"AGB" ifadesi tarandı:
# İçinde "AGB" ifadesinin geçtiği tüm kelimeleri tara (1:x).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ق ب|AGBأعقابكمÊAGEBKMeǎ'ḳābikumarkanızyour heels3x
ع ق ب|AGB أعقابكم ÊAGEBKM eǎ'ḳābikum ökçelerinizin your heels? 3:144
ع ق ب|AGB أعقابكم ÊAGEBKM eǎ'ḳābikum arkanız (küfre) your heels, 3:149
ع ق ب|AGB أعقابكم ÊAGEBKM eǎ'ḳābikum arkanız your heels 23:66
ع ق ب|AGBأعقابناÊAGEBNEeǎ'ḳābināökçelerimizour heels1x
ع ق ب|AGB أعقابنا ÊAGEBNE eǎ'ḳābinā ökçelerimiz our heels 6:71
ع ق ب|AGBالعاقبةELAEGBTl-ǎāḳibetesonuçthe end1x
ع ق ب|AGB العاقبة ELAEGBT l-ǎāḳibete sonuç the end 11:49
ع ق ب|AGBالعقابELAGEBl-ǐḳābiazabı"(in) the penalty."""16x
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) retribution. 2:196
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası in [the] chastising. 2:211
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) [the] punishment. 3:11
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) [the] punishment. 5:2
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) punishment 5:98
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) the punishment, 6:165
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi ceza verendir (in) the retribution, 7:167
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası in [the] penalty. 8:13
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) the penalty. 8:25
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası "(in) the penalty.""" 8:48
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) the penalty. 8:52
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) the penalty. 13:6
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) the punishment, 40:3
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi cezası (in) punishment. 40:22
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) penalty. 59:4
ع ق ب|AGB العقاب ELAGEB l-ǐḳābi azabı (in) penalty. 59:7
ع ق ب|AGBالعقبةELAGBTl-ǎḳabetesarp yokuşathe steep path (is)?2x
ع ق ب|AGB العقبة ELAGBT l-ǎḳabete sarp yokuşa the steep path. 90:11
ع ق ب|AGB العقبة ELAGBT l-ǎḳabetu sarp yokuşun the steep path (is)? 90:12
ع ق ب|AGBعاقبAEGBǎāḳabeceza verir dehas retaliated,1x
ع ق ب|AGB عاقب AEGB ǎāḳabe ceza verir de has retaliated, 22:60
ع ق ب|AGBعاقبةAEGBTǎāḳibetusonlarının(in) the end,27x
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 3:137
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 6:11
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (in) the end, 6:135
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 7:84
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 7:86
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 7:103
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonlarının (the) end 10:39
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonlarının (the) end 10:73
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 12:109
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu the end 16:36
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (is the) end 22:41
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 27:14
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonucu (the) end 27:51
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 27:69
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun the good end in the Hereafter. 28:37
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 28:40
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 30:9
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibete sonu (the) end 30:10
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 30:42
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (is the) end 31:22
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 35:44
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 37:73
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 40:21
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 40:82
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonu (the) end 43:25
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonunun (the) end 47:10
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبة AEGBT ǎāḳibetu sonucu (the) end 65:9
ع ق ب|AGBعاقبتمAEGBTMǎāḳabtumceza vereceksenizyou retaliate,1x
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبتم AEGBTM ǎāḳabtum ceza verecekseniz you retaliate, 16:126
ع ق ب|AGBعاقبتهماAEGBTHMEǎāḳibetehumāsonları(the) end of both of them,1x
ع ق ب|AGB عاقبتهما AEGBTHME ǎāḳibetehumā sonları (the) end of both of them, 59:17
ع ق ب|AGBعقابAGEBǐḳābiazab(of) penalty4x
ع ق ب|AGB عقاب AGEB ǐḳābi cezam My penalty. 13:32
ع ق ب|AGB عقاب AGEB ǐḳābi benim cezamı My penalty. 38:14
ع ق ب|AGB عقاب AGEB ǐḳābi azabım My penalty? 40:5
ع ق ب|AGB عقاب AGEB ǐḳābin azab (of) penalty 41:43
ع ق ب|AGBعقباAGBEǔḳbenakıbet(for) the final end.1x
ع ق ب|AGB عقبا AGBE ǔḳben akıbet (for) the final end. 18:44
ع ق ب|AGBعقباهاAGBEHEǔḳbāhābu işin sonundanits consequences.1x
ع ق ب|AGB عقباها AGBEHE ǔḳbāhā bu işin sonundan its consequences. 91:15
ع ق ب|AGBعقبهAGBHǎḳibihikendinden sonrakilerhis descendents,1x
ع ق ب|AGB عقبه AGBH ǎḳibihi kendinden sonrakiler his descendents, 43:28
ع ق ب|AGBعقبىAGBǔḳbāsonu(is the) end4x
ع ق ب|AGB عقبى AGB ǔḳbā sonu (is) the final attainment 13:22
ع ق ب|AGB عقبى AGB ǔḳbā sonu (is) the final attainment 13:24
ع ق ب|AGB عقبى AGB ǔḳbā sonu (is the) end 13:35
ع ق ب|AGB عقبى AGB ǔḳbā sonunun (is) the final 13:42
ع ق ب|AGBعقبيهAGBYHǎḳibeyhiiki ökçesihis heels3x
ع ق ب|AGB عقبيه AGBYH ǎḳibeyhi ökçesi his heels. 2:143
ع ق ب|AGB عقبيه AGBYH ǎḳibeyhi ökçesi his heels 3:144
ع ق ب|AGB عقبيه AGBYH ǎḳibeyhi iki ökçesi his heels 8:48
ع ق ب|AGBعوقبAWGBǔḳibeyapılan cezanınhe was made to suffer1x
ع ق ب|AGB عوقب AWGB ǔḳibe yapılan cezanın he was made to suffer 22:60
ع ق ب|AGBعوقبتمAWGBTMǔḳibtumsize verilen cezanınyou were afflicted1x
ع ق ب|AGB عوقبتم AWGBTM ǔḳibtum size verilen cezanın you were afflicted 16:126
ع ق ب|AGBفأعقبهمFÊAGBHMfeeǎ'ḳabehumsokmuşturSo He penalized them1x
ع ق ب|AGB فأعقبهم FÊAGBHM feeǎ'ḳabehum sokmuştur So He penalized them 9:77
ع ق ب|AGBفعاقبتمFAEGBTMfeǎāḳabtumsonra sıra size gelirsethen your turn comes,1x
ع ق ب|AGB فعاقبتم FAEGBTM feǎāḳabtum sonra sıra size gelirse then your turn comes, 60:11
ع ق ب|AGBفعاقبواFAEGBWEfeǎāḳibūceza verinthen retaliate1x
ع ق ب|AGB فعاقبوا FAEGBWE feǎāḳibū ceza verin then retaliate 16:126
ع ق ب|AGBمعقبMAGBmuǎḳḳibeiptal edecekadjuster1x
ع ق ب|AGB معقب MAGB muǎḳḳibe iptal edecek adjuster 13:41
ع ق ب|AGBمعقباتMAGBETmuǎḳḳibātunizleyenler(are) successive (Angels)1x
ع ق ب|AGB معقبات MAGBET muǎḳḳibātun izleyenler (are) successive (Angels) 13:11
ع ق ب|AGBوالعاقبةWELAEGBTvel'ǎāḳibetuve akıbetAnd the end3x
ع ق ب|AGB والعاقبة WELAEGBT vel'ǎāḳibetu ve sonuç And the end 7:128
ع ق ب|AGB والعاقبة WELAEGBT vel'ǎāḳibetu ve akıbet and the outcome 20:132
ع ق ب|AGB والعاقبة WELAEGBT vel'ǎāḳibetu ve sonuç And the good end 28:83
ع ق ب|AGBوعقبىWAGBve ǔḳbāve sonu iseand (the) end1x
ع ق ب|AGB وعقبى WAGB ve ǔḳbā ve sonu ise and (the) end 13:35
ع ق ب|AGBيعقبYAGByuǎḳḳibarkasına bile bakmadılook back.2x
ع ق ب|AGB يعقب YAGB yuǎḳḳib geri dönmedi look back. 27:10
ع ق ب|AGB يعقب YAGB yuǎḳḳib arkasına bile bakmadı return. 28:31

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