"ṦWM" ifadesi tarandı:
# "-M" takısı olmadan "ṦW" ifadesini tara (1:1).
# İçinde "ṦWM" ifadesinin geçtiği tüm kelimeleri tara (1:x).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ص و م|ṦWMالصيامELṦYEMS-Siyāmuoruç(of) fasting3x
ص و م|ṦWM الصيام ELṦYEM S-Siyāmu oruç [the] fasting 2:183
ص و م|ṦWM الصيام ELṦYEM S-Siyāmi oruç (of) fasting 2:187
ص و م|ṦWM الصيام ELṦYEM S-Siyāme orucu the fast 2:187
ص و م|ṦWMتصومواTṦWMWEteSūmūoruç tutmanızfast1x
ص و م|ṦWM تصوموا TṦWMWE teSūmū oruç tutmanız fast 2:184
ص و م|ṦWMصوماṦWMESavmenoruça fast,1x
ص و م|ṦWM صوما ṦWME Savmen oruç a fast, 19:26
ص و م|ṦWMصيامṦYEMSiyāminoruçtanfasting1x
ص و م|ṦWM صيام ṦYEM Siyāmin oruçtan fasting 2:196
ص و م|ṦWMصياماṦYEMESiyāmenoruçtur(in) fasting,1x
ص و م|ṦWM صياما ṦYEME Siyāmen oruçtur (in) fasting, 5:95
ص و م|ṦWMفصيامFṦYEMfeSiyāmuoruç tutar(that), then fasting4x
ص و م|ṦWM فصيام FṦYEM feSiyāmu oruç tutar then a fast 2:196
ص و م|ṦWM فصيام FṦYEM feSiyāmu oruç tutmalıdır then fasting 4:92
ص و م|ṦWM فصيام FṦYEM feSiyāmu oruç tutsun (that), then fasting 5:89
ص و م|ṦWM فصيام FṦYEM feSiyāmu oruç tutmalıdır then fasting 58:4
ص و م|ṦWMفليصمهFLYṦMHfelyeSumhuoruç tutsunthen he should fast in it,1x
ص و م|ṦWM فليصمه FLYṦMH felyeSumhu oruç tutsun then he should fast in it, 2:185
ص و م|ṦWMوالصائماتWELṦEÙMETve SSāimātive oruç tutan kadınlarand the women who fast,1x
ص و م|ṦWM والصائمات WELṦEÙMET ve SSāimāti ve oruç tutan kadınlar and the women who fast, 33:35
ص و م|ṦWMوالصائمينWELṦEÙMYNve SSāimīneoruç tutan erkeklerand the men who fast1x
ص و م|ṦWM والصائمين WELṦEÙMYN ve SSāimīne oruç tutan erkekler and the men who fast 33:35

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