Herhangi bir yerinde "LBS" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "L-" öntakısı olmadan "BS" ifadesini tara (1:1). {L: elbette, -e/-a, için}

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ل ب ث|LBS̃تلبثواTLBS̃WEtelebbeṧūgecikmezlerdithey (would) have hesitated1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ تلبثوا TLBS̃WE telebbeṧū gecikmezlerdi they (would) have hesitated 33:14
ل ب س|LBSتلبسواTLBSWEtelbisūve katıştırmayınmix1x
ل ب س|LBS تلبسوا TLBSWE telbisū ve katıştırmayın mix 2:42
ل ب س|LBSتلبسونTLBSWNtelbisūnekarıştırıyorsunuzdo you mix1x
ل ب س|LBS تلبسون TLBSWN telbisūne karıştırıyorsunuz do you mix 3:71
ل ب س|LBSتلبسونهاTLBSWNHEtelbesūnehākuşanacağınız(that) you wear them.2x
ل ب س|LBS تلبسونها TLBSWNHE telbesūnehā kuşanacağınız (that) you wear them. 16:14
ل ب س|LBS تلبسونها TLBSWNHE telbesūnehā takındığınız you wear them, 35:12
ل ب ث|LBS̃فلبثFLBS̃felebiṧe(böylece) kaldıand he remained2x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ فلبث FLBS̃ felebiṧe (böylece) kaldı so he remained 12:42
ل ب ث|LBS̃ فلبث FLBS̃ fe lebiṧe kaldı and he remained 29:14
ل ب ث|LBS̃فلبثتFLBS̃Tfelebiṧtesonra kaldınThen you remained1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ فلبثت FLBS̃T felebiṧte sonra kaldın Then you remained 20:40
ل ب ث|LBS̃لابثينLEBS̃YNlābiṧīnekalacalardır(They will) be remaining1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لابثين LEBS̃YN lābiṧīne kalacalardır (They will) be remaining 78:23
ل ب س|LBSلباسLBESlibāsunelbisenizdir(are) garments3x
ل ب س|LBS لباس LBES libāsun elbisenizdir (are) garments 2:187
ل ب س|LBS لباس LBES libāsun elbisesisiniz (are) garments 2:187
ل ب س|LBS لباس LBES libāse elbisesi (the) garb 16:112
ل ب س|LBSلباساLBESElibāsenbir giysi(as) a covering3x
ل ب س|LBS لباسا LBESE libāsen giysi clothing, 7:26
ل ب س|LBS لباسا LBESE libāsen elbise (as) a covering 25:47
ل ب س|LBS لباسا LBESE libāsen bir giysi (as) covering, 78:10
ل ب س|LBSلباسهماLBESHMElibāsehumāelbiselerinitheir clothing1x
ل ب س|LBS لباسهما LBESHME libāsehumā elbiselerini their clothing 7:27
ل ب ث|LBS̃لبثLBS̃lebiṧekalan-and not he delayed1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبث LBS̃ lebiṧe kalan- and not he delayed 11:69
ل ب ث|LBS̃لبثتLBS̃Tlebiṧtegeçirdim"""I remained"4x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثت LBS̃T lebiṧte kaldın "(have) you remained?""" 2:259
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثت LBS̃T lebiṧtu kaldım """I remained" 2:259
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثت LBS̃T lebiṧte kaldın you (have) remained 2:259
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثت LBS̃T lebiṧtu geçirdim I have stayed 10:16
ل ب ث|LBS̃لبثتمLBS̃TMlebiṧtum(dünyada) kalmadınız"have you remained?"""8x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum (dünyada) kalmadınız you had remained 17:52
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum kaldınız "have you remained?""" 18:19
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum kaldığınızı you have remained. 18:19
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum kalmadınız you remained 20:103
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum siz kalmadınız you remained 20:104
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum kaldınız did you remain 23:112
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum kalmadınız you stayed 23:114
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثتم LBS̃TM lebiṧtum siz kaldınız you remained 30:56
ل ب ث|LBS̃لبثناLBS̃NElebiṧnākaldık"""We have remained"2x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثنا LBS̃NE lebiṧnā kaldık """We have remained" 18:19
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثنا LBS̃NE lebiṧnā kaldık """We remained" 23:113
ل ب ث|LBS̃لبثواLBS̃WElebiṧū(onların) kaldıkları(they had) remained4x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثوا LBS̃WE lebiṧū (onların) kaldıkları (they had) remained 18:12
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثوا LBS̃WE lebiṧū kaldıklarını they remained. 18:26
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثوا LBS̃WE lebiṧū kalmadıklarına they remained 30:55
ل ب ث|LBS̃ لبثوا LBS̃WE lebiṧū kalmazlardı they (would have) remained 34:14
ل ب س|LBSلبسLBSlebsinkuşkudoubt1x
ل ب س|LBS لبس LBS lebsin kuşku doubt 50:15
ل ب س|LBSلبوسLBWSlebūsinzırh(of) coats of armor1x
ل ب س|LBS لبوس LBWS lebūsin zırh (of) coats of armor 21:80
ل ب ث|LBS̃للبثLLBS̃lelebiṧekalırdıCertainly, he (would have) remained1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ للبث LLBS̃ lelebiṧe kalırdı Certainly, he (would have) remained 37:144
ل ب س|LBSولباسWLBESvelibāsuve giysisiBut the clothing1x
ل ب س|LBS ولباس WLBES velibāsu ve giysisi But the clothing 7:26
ل ب س|LBSولباسهمWLBESHMvelibāsuhumve giysileriand their garments2x
ل ب س|LBS ولباسهم WLBESHM velibāsuhum ve giysileri and their garments 22:23
ل ب س|LBS ولباسهم WLBESHM velibāsuhum ve giysileri and their garments 35:33
ل ب ث|LBS̃ولبثتWLBS̃Tvelebiṧteve kalmadın mı?and you remained1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ ولبثت WLBS̃T velebiṧte ve kalmadın mı? and you remained 26:18
ل ب ث|LBS̃ولبثواWLBS̃WEvelebiṧūve kaldılarAnd they remained1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ ولبثوا WLBS̃WE velebiṧū ve kaldılar And they remained 18:25
ل ب س|LBSوللبسناWLLBSNEvelelebesnāve yine düşürürdükand certainly We (would) have obscured1x
ل ب س|LBS وللبسنا WLLBSNE velelebesnā ve yine düşürürdük and certainly We (would) have obscured 6:9
ل ب س|LBSوليلبسواWLYLBSWEvel'iyelbisūve karıştırsınlar diyeand that they make confusing1x
ل ب س|LBS وليلبسوا WLYLBSWE vel'iyelbisū ve karıştırsınlar diye and that they make confusing 6:137
ل ب س|LBSويلبسونWYLBSWNve yelbesūneve giyerlerand will wear1x
ل ب س|LBS ويلبسون WYLBSWN ve yelbesūne ve giyerler and will wear 18:31
ل ب ث|LBS̃يلبثواYLBS̃WEyelbeṧū(dünyada) kalmamışlarremained3x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ يلبثوا YLBS̃WE yelbeṧū kalmamışlar they had not remained 10:45
ل ب ث|LBS̃ يلبثوا YLBS̃WE yelbeṧū (sanki) yaşamamışlar remained 46:35
ل ب ث|LBS̃ يلبثوا YLBS̃WE yelbeṧū (dünyada) kalmamışlar they had remained 79:46
ل ب ث|LBS̃يلبثونYLBS̃WNyelbeṧūnekalamazlarthey (would) have stayed1x
ل ب ث|LBS̃ يلبثون YLBS̃WN yelbeṧūne kalamazlar they (would) have stayed 17:76
ل ب س|LBSيلبسكمYLBSKMyelbisekumsizi birbirinize düşürüp(to) confuse you1x
ل ب س|LBS يلبسكم YLBSKM yelbisekum sizi birbirinize düşürüp (to) confuse you 6:65
ل ب س|LBSيلبسواYLBSWEyelbisūbulamayanlarmix1x
ل ب س|LBS يلبسوا YLBSWE yelbisū bulamayanlar mix 6:82
ل ب س|LBSيلبسونYLBSWNyelbisūnedüştükleri kuşkuyathey are obscuring.2x
ل ب س|LBS يلبسون YLBSWN yelbisūne düştükleri kuşkuya they are obscuring. 6:9
ل ب س|LBS يلبسون YLBSWN yelbesūne giysiler giyerler Wearing garments 44:53

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