Herhangi bir yerinde "LMT" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "L-" öntakısı olmadan "MT" ifadesini tara (1:1). {L: elbette, -e/-a, için}

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
س ل م|SLMأأسلمتمÊÊSLMTMeeslemtumSiz de İslam (teslim) oldunuz mu?"""Have you submitted yourselves?"""1x
س ل م|SLM أأسلمتم ÊÊSLMTM eeslemtum Siz de İslam (teslim) oldunuz mu? """Have you submitted yourselves?""" 3:20
س ل م|SLMأسلمتÊSLMTeslemtuben teslim ettim"""I (have) submitted (myself)"2x
س ل م|SLM أسلمت ÊSLMT eslemtu teslim oldum """I (have) submitted (myself)" 2:131
س ل م|SLM أسلمت ÊSLMT eslemtu ben teslim ettim """I have submitted" 3:20
ر ب ص|RBṦالمتربصينELMTRBṦYNl-muterabbiSīnegözetleyenlerdenim"those who wait."""1x
ر ب ص|RBṦ المتربصين ELMTRBṦYN l-muterabbiSīne gözetleyenlerdenim "those who wait.""" 52:31
ص د ق|ṦD̃GالمتصدقينELMTṦD̃GYNl-muteSaddiḳīnetasadduk edenleri"the charitable."""1x
ص د ق|ṦD̃G المتصدقين ELMTṦD̃GYN l-muteSaddiḳīne tasadduk edenleri "the charitable.""" 12:88
ط ه ر|ŦHRالمتطهرينELMTŦHRYNl-muteTahhirīnetemizlenenlerithose who purify themselves.1x
ط ه ر|ŦHR المتطهرين ELMTŦHRYN l-muteTahhirīne temizlenenleri those who purify themselves. 2:222
ع ل و|ALWالمتعالELMTAELl-muteǎāliyücedirthe Most High.1x
ع ل و|ALW المتعال ELMTAEL l-muteǎāli yücedir the Most High. 13:9
و ق ي|WGYالمتقونELMTGWNl-mutteḳūneerdemlenen / muttaki(are) the righteous.6x
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne erdemlenen / muttaki (are) the righteous. 2:177
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne korunanlardır the ones who fear Allah, 8:34
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne korunanlara (to) the righteous, 13:35
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne muttakilere (to) the righteous? 25:15
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne korunanlar (are) the righteous. 39:33
و ق ي|WGY المتقون ELMTGWN l-mutteḳūne muttakilere (to) the righteous. 47:15
و ق ي|WGYالمتقينELMTGYNl-mutteḳīnekorunanlar"the righteous."""23x
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous ones. 2:180
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakilerle those who fear (Him). 2:194
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne müttakiler the righteous. 2:241
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanları those who fear (Him). 3:76
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanlardan the God fearing. 5:27
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanları the righteous. 9:4
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanları the righteous. 9:7
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanlarla the righteous. 9:36
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanlarla those who fear (Him). 9:123
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous 15:45
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanların (of) the righteous. 16:30
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanları the righteous, 16:31
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakileri (sakınanları) the righteous 19:85
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakileri (sakınanları) (to) the righteous 19:97
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakileri the pious 38:28
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler- "the righteous.""" 39:57
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous, 43:67
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous 44:51
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakilerin (of) the righteous. 45:19
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous 51:15
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne korunanlar the righteous 52:17
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler the righteous 54:54
و ق ي|WGY المتقين ELMTGYN l-mutteḳīne muttakiler ise the righteous 77:41
ك ب ر|KBRالمتكبرELMTKBRl-mutekebbiruMütekebbir'dir (çok ulud)the Supreme.1x
ك ب ر|KBR المتكبر ELMTKBR l-mutekebbiru Mütekebbir'dir (çok ulud) the Supreme. 59:23
ك ب ر|KBRالمتكبرينELMTKBRYNl-mutekebbirīnekibirlenenlerin"(of) the arrogant."""3x
ك ب ر|KBR المتكبرين ELMTKBRYN l-mutekebbirīne kibirlenenlerin (of) the arrogant. 16:29
ك ب ر|KBR المتكبرين ELMTKBRYN l-mutekebbirīne kibirlenenlerin "(of) the arrogant.""" 39:72
ك ب ر|KBR المتكبرين ELMTKBRYN l-mutekebbirīne kibirlenenlerin "(of) the arrogant.""" 40:76
ك ل ف|KLFالمتكلفينELMTKLFYNl-mutekellifīneyapmacık yapanlar-the ones who pretend.1x
ك ل ف|KLF المتكلفين ELMTKLFYN l-mutekellifīne yapmacık yapanlar- the ones who pretend. 38:86
ل ق ي|LGYالمتلقيانELMTLGYENl-muteleḳḳiyāniiki alıcı (melek)the two receivers1x
ل ق ي|LGY المتلقيان ELMTLGYEN l-muteleḳḳiyāni iki alıcı (melek) the two receivers 50:17
ن ف س|NFSالمتنافسونELMTNEFSWNl-mutenāfisūneyarışanlarthe aspirers.1x
ن ف س|NFS المتنافسون ELMTNEFSWN l-mutenāfisūne yarışanlar the aspirers. 83:26
و ك ل|WKLالمتوكلونELMTWKLWNl-mutevekkilūnetevekkül edenler"the ones who put (their) trust."""3x
و ك ل|WKL المتوكلون ELMTWKLWN l-mutevekkilūne tevekkül edenler "the ones who put trust.""" 12:67
و ك ل|WKL المتوكلون ELMTWKLWN l-mutevekkilūne tevekkül edenler "the ones who put (their) trust.""" 14:12
و ك ل|WKL المتوكلون ELMTWKLWN l-mutevekkilūne tevekkül edenler "those who trust.""" 39:38
و ك ل|WKLالمتوكلينELMTWKLYNl-mutevekkilīnekendine dayanıp güvenenlerithe ones who put trust (in Him).1x
و ك ل|WKL المتوكلين ELMTWKLYN l-mutevekkilīne kendine dayanıp güvenenleri the ones who put trust (in Him). 3:159
م ت ن|MTNالمتينELMTYNl-metīnusağlamthe Strong.1x
م ت ن|MTN المتين ELMTYN l-metīnu sağlam the Strong. 51:58
و ق ي|WGYبالمتقينBELMTGYNbil-mutteḳīne(günahlardan) korunanlarıof the God-fearing.2x
و ق ي|WGY بالمتقين BELMTGYN bil-mutteḳīne (günahlardan) korunanları of the God-fearing. 3:115
و ق ي|WGY بالمتقين BELMTGYN bil-mutteḳīne korunanları of the righteous. 9:44
ك ل م|KLMبكلمةBKLMTbikelimetinbir kelime ileof a word2x
ك ل م|KLM بكلمة BKLMT bikelimetin bir kelimeyi [of] a Word 3:39
ك ل م|KLM بكلمة BKLMT bikelimetin bir kelime ile of a word 3:45
س ل م|SLMسلمتمSLMTMsellemtumverdiktenyou pay1x
س ل م|SLM سلمتم SLMTM sellemtum verdikten you pay 2:233
ظ ل م|ƵLMظالمةƵELMTZālimetunzalim(are) doing wrong.4x
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظالمة ƵELMT Zālimetun zulmeden (are) doing wrong. 11:102
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظالمة ƵELMT Zālimeten zalim unjust, 21:11
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظالمة ƵELMT Zālimetun zulmederken was doing wrong, 22:45
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظالمة ƵELMT Zālimetun zulmederken (was) doing wrong. 22:48
ظ ل م|ƵLMظلمتƵLMTZelemetzulmeden(that) wronged,3x
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظلمت ƵLMT Zelemet zulmeden (that) wronged, 10:54
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظلمت ƵLMT Zelemtu zulmetmişim [I] have wronged 27:44
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظلمت ƵLMT Zelemtu zulmettim [I] have wronged 28:16
ظ ل م|ƵLMظلمتمƵLMTMZelemtumzulmettinizyou have wronged,2x
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظلمتم ƵLMTM Zelemtum zulmettiniz [you] have wronged 2:54
ظ ل م|ƵLM ظلمتم ƵLMTM Zelemtum zulmettiniz you have wronged, 43:39
ع ل م|ALMعلمتALMTǎlimtebilirI know8x
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimte sen bilirsin ki you know 11:79
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimte sen biliyorsun ki you have known 17:102
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǔllimte sana öğretilen you have been taught 18:66
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimte bilirsin ki you know 21:65
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimtu bilmiyorum I know 28:38
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimeti bilmişlerdir know 37:158
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimet bilir Will know 81:14
ع ل م|ALM علمت ALMT ǎlimet bilir Will know 82:5
ع ل م|ALMعلمتكALMTKǎllemtukesana öğrettimI taught you1x
ع ل م|ALM علمتك ALMTK ǎllemtuke sana öğrettim I taught you 5:110
ع ل م|ALMعلمتمALMTMǎlimtumubildinizyou have taught6x
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎlimtumu bilmişsinizdir you knew 2:65
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎllemtum yetiştirdiğiniz you have taught 5:4
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎlimtum siz de bilmişsinizdir ki you know, 12:73
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎlimtum bildiniz you know 12:89
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎlimtum bilirseniz you know 24:33
ع ل م|ALM علمتم ALMTM ǎlimtumu bildiniz you know 56:62
ع ل م|ALMعلمتموهنALMTMWHNǎlimtumūhunneanlarsanızyou know them1x
ع ل م|ALM علمتموهن ALMTMWHN ǎlimtumūhunne anlarsanız you know them 60:10
ع ل م|ALMعلمتناALMTNEǎllemtenābize öğrettiğinYou have taught us.1x
ع ل م|ALM علمتنا ALMTNE ǎllemtenā bize öğrettiğin You have taught us. 2:32
ع ل م|ALMعلمتهALMTHǎlimtehusen bunu bilirdinYou would have known it.1x
ع ل م|ALM علمته ALMTH ǎlimtehu sen bunu bilirdin You would have known it. 5:116
ك ل م|KLMكلمةKLMTkelimetin(o) sözü(for) a Word18x
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetin bir kelimeye a word 3:64
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimete sözünü (the) word 9:40
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimete (o) sözü (the) word 9:74
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun bir takdir a word 10:19
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun bir söz (for) a Word 11:110
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) Word of your Lord, 11:119
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimeten sözün a word 14:24
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetin sözün (of) a word 14:26
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimeten söz the word 18:5
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun söylenmiş bir söz (for) a Word 20:129
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun bir sözdür (is) a word 23:100
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetu kararı the word 39:19
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) word 39:71
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun bir söz (for) a word 41:45
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetun sözü (for) a word 42:14
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimetu sözü (for) a word 42:21
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimeten bir söz a word 43:28
ك ل م|KLM كلمة KLMT kelimete kelimesine (to the) word 48:26
ك ل م|KLMكلمتKLMTkelimetu(verdiği) sözü(the) word5x
ك ل م|KLM كلمت KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) word 6:115
ك ل م|KLM كلمت KLMT kelimetu (verdiği) sözü (the) word 7:137
ك ل م|KLM كلمت KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) Word 10:33
ك ل م|KLM كلمت KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) Word 10:96
ك ل م|KLM كلمت KLMT kelimetu sözü (the) Word 40:6
ك ل م|KLMكلمتناKLMTNEkelimetunāşu sözümüzOur Word1x
ك ل م|KLM كلمتنا KLMTNE kelimetunā şu sözümüz Our Word 37:171
و ق ي|WGYللمتقينLLMTGYNlilmutteḳīneerdemlilere"(is) for the God fearing."""18x
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne erdemlilere for the God-conscious. 2:2
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne müttakiler için for those who fear (Allah). 2:66
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlar için for the pious. 3:133
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlara for the God-fearing. 3:138
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlar için for the God conscious. 5:46
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlarındır "(is) for the righteous.""" 7:128
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne takva sahiplerinindir "(is) for the God fearing.""" 11:49
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için for the righteous. 21:48
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için for those who fear (Allah). 24:34
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakilere for the righteous 25:74
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için for the righteous. 26:90
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne sakınanlarındır (is) for the righteous. 28:83
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlar için vardır for the righteous 38:49
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler içindir (is) for the righteous. 43:35
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne korunanlara to the righteous, 50:31
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için vardır for the righteous 68:34
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için for the Allah-fearing. 69:48
و ق ي|WGY للمتقين LLMTGYN lilmutteḳīne muttakiler için vardır for the righteous 78:31
ك ب ر|KBRللمتكبرينLLMTKBRYNlilmutekebbirīnekibirlenenler içinfor the arrogant?1x
ك ب ر|KBR للمتكبرين LLMTKBRYN lilmutekebbirīne kibirlenenler için for the arrogant? 39:60
و س م|WSMللمتوسمينLLMTWSMYNlilmutevessimīneişaretten anlayanlarafor those who discern.1x
و س م|WSM للمتوسمين LLMTWSMYN lilmutevessimīne işaretten anlayanlara for those who discern. 15:75
ل و م|LWMلمتننيLMTNNYlumtunnenībeni kınamıştınızyou blamed me1x
ل و م|LWM لمتنني LMTNNY lumtunnenī beni kınamıştınız you blamed me 12:32
س ل م|SLMمسلمةMSLMTmusellemetunkusursuz(is to be) paid4x
س ل م|SLM مسلمة MSLMT musellemetun kusursuz sound, 2:71
س ل م|SLM مسلمة MSLMT muslimeten teslim olan submissive 2:128
س ل م|SLM مسلمة MSLMT musellemetun vermelidir (is to be) paid 4:92
س ل م|SLM مسلمة MSLMT musellemetun verilecektir (is to be) paid 4:92
س ل م|SLMوأسلمتWÊSLMTve eslemtuve teslim oldumand I submit1x
س ل م|SLM وأسلمت WÊSLMT ve eslemtu ve teslim oldum and I submit 27:44
ر د ي|RD̃YوالمترديةWELMTRD̃YTvelmuteraddiyetuve yukarıdan düşmüşand that which has a fatal fall,1x
ر د ي|RD̃Y والمتردية WELMTRD̃YT velmuteraddiyetu ve yukarıdan düşmüş and that which has a fatal fall, 5:3
ص د ق|ṦD̃GوالمتصدقاتWELMTṦD̃GETvelmuteSaddiḳātive sadaka veren kadınlarand the women who give charity1x
ص د ق|ṦD̃G والمتصدقات WELMTṦD̃GET velmuteSaddiḳāti ve sadaka veren kadınlar and the women who give charity 33:35
ص د ق|ṦD̃GوالمتصدقينWELMTṦD̃GYNvelmuteSaddiḳīnesadaka veren erkeklerand the men who give charity1x
ص د ق|ṦD̃G والمتصدقين WELMTṦD̃GYN velmuteSaddiḳīne sadaka veren erkekler and the men who give charity 33:35
ع ل م|ALMوعلمتمWALMTMve ǔllimtumve size öğretildiğiAnd you were taught1x
ع ل م|ALM وعلمتم WALMTM ve ǔllimtum ve size öğretildiği And you were taught 6:91
ع ل م|ALMوعلمتنيWALMTNYve ǎllemtenīve bana öğrettinand taught me1x
ع ل م|ALM وعلمتني WALMTNY ve ǎllemtenī ve bana öğrettin and taught me 12:101
ك ل م|KLMوكلمةWKLMTvekelimetuve sözü isewhile (the) Word1x
ك ل م|KLM وكلمة WKLMT vekelimetu ve sözü ise while (the) Word 9:40
ك ل م|KLMوكلمتهWKLMTHve kelimetuhuve O'nun kelimesidirand His word1x
ك ل م|KLM وكلمته WKLMTH ve kelimetuhu ve O'nun kelimesidir and His word 4:171

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