Kök | Arapça | Transcript | Okunuş | Türkçe | İngilizce | Pos |
أمليت | ÊMLYT | emleytu | biraz süre vermişimdir | I gave respite | ||
م ل و|MLW | أمليت | ÊMLYT | emleytu | biraz süre vermişimdir | I gave respite | 22:48 |
الجاهلية | ELCEHLYT | l-cāhiliyyeti | cahiliyenin | (of the time of) ignorance | ||
ج ه ل|CHL | الجاهلية | ELCEHLYT | l-cāhiliyyeti | cahiliyye | (of) [the] ignorance. | 3:154 |
ج ه ل|CHL | الجاهلية | ELCEHLYT | l-cāhiliyyeti | cahiliyye | (of the time of) ignorance | 5:50 |
ج ه ل|CHL | الجاهلية | ELCEHLYT | l-cāhiliyyeti | cahiliyenin | (of the times of) ignorance | 33:33 |
ج ه ل|CHL | الجاهلية | ELCEHLYT | l-cāhiliyyeti | cahiliyye (çağının) | (of the time of) ignorance. | 48:26 |
الحلية | ELḪLYT | l-Hilyeti | süs | ornaments | ||
ح ل ي|ḪLY | الحلية | ELḪLYT | l-Hilyeti | süs | ornaments | 43:18 |
الخالية | ELḢELYT | l-ḣāliyeti | geçmiş | "past.""" | ||
خ ل و|ḢLW | الخالية | ELḢELYT | l-ḣāliyeti | geçmiş | "past.""" | 69:24 |
اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüz(kızlar) | (of) the orphans | ||
ي ت م|YTM | اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüzler- | the orphans. | 2:220 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüzlere | (to) the orphans | 4:2 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüz(kızlar) | the orphans, | 4:3 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüzleri | the orphans | 4:6 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتامى | ELYTEM | l-yetāmā | öksüzlerin | (of) the orphans | 4:10 |
اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīmi | öksüzü | (of) the orphan, | ||
ي ت م|YTM | اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīmi | yetimin | (of) the orphans | 6:152 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīmi | yetimin | (of) the orphan, | 17:34 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīme | yetime | the orphan, | 89:17 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīme | öksüzü | the orphan, | 93:9 |
ي ت م|YTM | اليتيم | ELYTYM | l-yetīme | öksüzü | the orphan, | 107:2 |
تليت | TLYT | tuliyet | okunduğu | are recited | ||
ت ل و|TLW | تليت | TLYT | tuliyet | okunduğu | are recited | 8:2 |
توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | döndüğünüz | you are given authority | ||
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | dönmüştünüz | you turned away | 2:64 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | döndünüz | you turned away, | 2:83 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | dönerseniz | you turn away, | 5:92 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | dönerseniz | you turn away | 9:3 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | yüz çevirirseniz | you turn away | 10:72 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | işbaşına gelecek olursanız | you are given authority | 47:22 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | döndüğünüz | you turned away | 48:16 |
و ل ي|WLY | توليتم | TWLYTM | tevelleytum | dönerseniz | you turn away, | 64:12 |
حلية | ḪLYT | Hilyetin | süs | ornaments | ||
ح ل ي|ḪLY | حلية | ḪLYT | Hilyetin | süs | ornaments | 13:17 |
ح ل ي|ḪLY | حلية | ḪLYT | Hilyeten | süsler | ornaments | 16:14 |
ح ل ي|ḪLY | حلية | ḪLYT | Hilyeten | süs | ornaments | 35:12 |
عالية | AELYT | ǎāliyetin | yüksek | elevated, | ||
ع ل و|ALW | عالية | AELYT | ǎāliyetin | yüksek | elevated, | 69:22 |
ع ل و|ALW | عالية | AELYT | ǎāliyetin | yüksek | elevated. | 88:10 |
فأمليت | FÊMLYT | feemleytu | ben de bir süre vermiştim | but I granted respite | ||
م ل و|MLW | فأمليت | FÊMLYT | feemleytu | fakat bir süre verdim | but I granted respite | 13:32 |
م ل و|MLW | فأمليت | FÊMLYT | feemleytu | ben de bir süre vermiştim | so I granted respite | 22:44 |
فليتقوا | FLYTGWE | felyetteḳū | korksunlar | So let them fear | ||
و ق ي|WGY | فليتقوا | FLYTGWE | felyetteḳū | korksunlar | So let them fear | 4:9 |
فليتنافس | FLYTNEFS | felyetenāfesi | yarışsınlar | let aspire | ||
ن ف س|NFS | فليتنافس | FLYTNEFS | felyetenāfesi | yarışsınlar | let aspire | 83:26 |
فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | let put (their) trust | ||
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | let put (their) trust | 3:122 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | let put (their) trust. | 3:160 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | so let put the trust | 5:11 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | [so] let the believers put (their) trust. | 9:51 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | tevekkül etsinler | let put (their) trust | 12:67 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | so let put (their) trust | 14:11 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | so let put (their) trust | 14:12 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | let put (their) trust | 58:10 |
و ك ل|WKL | فليتوكل | FLYTWKL | felyetevekkeli | dayansınlar | let put (their) trust | 64:13 |
لليتامى | LLYTEM | lilyetāmā | öksüzlere karşı | for orphans | ||
ي ت م|YTM | لليتامى | LLYTEM | lilyetāmā | öksüzlere karşı | for orphans | 4:127 |
لوليت | LWLYT | levelleyte | mutlaka dönüp | you (would) have surely turned back | ||
و ل ي|WLY | لوليت | LWLYT | levelleyte | mutlaka dönüp | you (would) have surely turned back | 18:18 |
ليت | LYT | leyte | Keşke! | Would that | ||
ل ي ت|LYT | ليت | LYT | leyte | Keşke! | Would that | 28:79 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليت | LYT | leyte | Keşke! | Would that/i wish/if | 36:26 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليت | LYT | leyte | Keşke! | Would that/i wish/if | 43:38 |
ليتخذ | LYTḢZ̃ | liyetteḣiƶe | edinmeleri için | so that may take, | ||
ا خ ذ |EḢZ̃ | ليتخذ | LYTḢZ̃ | liyetteḣiƶe | edinmeleri için | so that may take, | 43:32 |
ليتساءلوا | LYTSEÙLWE | liyetesā'elū | sormaları için | that they might question | ||
س ا ل|SEL | ليتساءلوا | LYTSEÙLWE | liyetesā'elū | sormaları için | that they might question | 18:19 |
ليتفقهوا | LYTFGHWE | liyetefeḳḳahū | iyice öğrenmek için | that they may obtain understanding | ||
ف ق ه|FGH | ليتفقهوا | LYTFGHWE | liyetefeḳḳahū | iyice öğrenmek için | that they may obtain understanding | 9:122 |
ليتنا | LYTNE | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | ||
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتنا | LYTNE | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 6:27 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتنا | LYTNE | leytenā | keşke biz | we wish | 33:66 |
ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | ||
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 4:73 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 18:42 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 19:23 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 25:27 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 25:28 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 69:25 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 78:40 |
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتني | LYTNY | leytenī | keşke ben | I wish | 89:24 |
ليتها | LYTHE | leytehā | Keşke o | I wish it | ||
ل ي ت|LYT | ليتها | LYTHE | leytehā | Keşke o | I wish it | 69:27 |
ليتوبوا | LYTWBWE | liyetūbū | tevbe etsinler | that they may repent. | ||
ت و ب|TWB | ليتوبوا | LYTWBWE | liyetūbū | tevbe etsinler | that they may repent. | 9:118 |
واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve öksüzler | and the orphans | ||
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve yetimlere | and [the] orphans | 2:83 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve yetime | and the orphans, | 2:177 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve öksüzler | and the orphans, | 2:215 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve öksüzler | and the orphans | 4:8 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve öksüzlere | and the orphans, | 4:36 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve yetimlere | and the orphans | 8:41 |
ي ت م|YTM | واليتامى | WELYTEM | velyetāmā | ve yetimlere | and the orphans | 59:7 |
وتصلية | WTṦLYT | ve teSliyetu | ve atılma (vardır) | And burning | ||
ص ل ي|ṦLY | وتصلية | WTṦLYT | ve teSliyetu | ve atılma (vardır) | And burning | 56:94 |
وليتبروا | WLYTBRWE | veliyutebbirū | ve mahvetsinler diye | and to destroy | ||
ت ب ر|TBR | وليتبروا | WLYTBRWE | veliyutebbirū | ve mahvetsinler diye | and to destroy | 17:7 |
وليتذكر | WLYTZ̃KR | veliyeteƶekkera | ve öğüt alsınlar diye | and may be reminded | ||
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR | وليتذكر | WLYTZ̃KR | veliyeteƶekkera | ve öğüt alsınlar diye | and may be reminded | 38:29 |
وليتق | WLYTG | velyetteḳi | korksun | and let him fear | ||
و ق ي|WGY | وليتق | WLYTG | velyetteḳi | korksun | and let him fear | 2:282 |
و ق ي|WGY | وليتق | WLYTG | velyetteḳi | ve korksun | And let him fear | 2:283 |
وليتلطف | WLYTLŦF | velyeteleTTaf | ve dikkatli davransın | and let him be cautious. | ||
ل ط ف|LŦF | وليتلطف | WLYTLŦF | velyeteleTTaf | ve dikkatli davransın | and let him be cautious. | 18:19 |
وليتم | WLYTM | veliyutimme | dönmüştünüz | and to complete | ||
ت م م|TMM | وليتم | WLYTM | veliyutimme | ve tamamlamak | and to complete | 5:6 |
و ل ي|WLY | وليتم | WLYTM | velleytum | dönmüştünüz | you turned back, | 9:25 |
وليتمتعوا | WLYTMTAWE | veliyetemetteǔ | ve zevk içinde yaşasınlar diye | and they may enjoy (themselves). | ||
م ت ع|MTA | وليتمتعوا | WLYTMTAWE | veliyetemetteǔ | ve zevk içinde yaşasınlar diye | and they may enjoy (themselves). | 29:66 |