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Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRآلذكرين ËLZ̃KRYNāƶƶekerayniiki erkeği mi?"""(Are) the two males"2x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR آلذكرين ËLZ̃KRYN āƶƶekerayni iki erkeği mi? """(Are) the two males" 6:143
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR آلذكرين ËLZ̃KRYN āƶƶekerayni iki erkeği mi? """(Is it) the two males" 6:144
ل ز م|LZMألزمناهÊLZMNEHelzemnāhubağladıkWe have fastened to him1x
ل ز م|LZM ألزمناه ÊLZMNEH elzemnāhu bağladık We have fastened to him 17:13
ل ز م|LZMأنلزمكموهاÊNLZMKMWHEenulzimukumūhābiz sizi zorlayacak mıyız?should We compel you (to accept) it1x
ل ز م|LZM أنلزمكموها ÊNLZMKMWHE enulzimukumūhā biz sizi zorlayacak mıyız? should We compel you (to accept) it 11:28
ذ ا ب|Z̃EBالذئبELZ̃ÙBƶ-ƶi'bubir kurta wolf3x
ذ ا ب|Z̃EB الذئب ELZ̃ÙB ƶ-ƶi'bu bir kurt a wolf 12:13
ذ ا ب|Z̃EB الذئب ELZ̃ÙB ƶ-ƶi'bu kurt the wolf 12:14
ذ ا ب|Z̃EB الذئب ELZ̃ÙB ƶ-ƶi'bu kurt the wolf. 12:17
ذ ب ب|Z̃BBالذبابELZ̃BEBƶ-ƶubābusinekthe fly1x
ذ ب ب|Z̃BB الذباب ELZ̃BEB ƶ-ƶubābu sinek the fly 22:73
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRالذكرELZ̃KRƶ-ƶekeruanmayı(of) the Reminder19x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶekeru erkek the male 3:36
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikru Zikir (Kitap) the Reminder, 15:6
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra O Zikri (Kitap)ı the Reminder, 15:9
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikri zikir (of) the Reminder 16:43
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra Zikr'i the Remembrance, 16:44
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikri Zikir (of) the Reminder, 21:7
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikri Zikir'den (Tevrat'tan) the mention, 21:105
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra anmayı the Message 25:18
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikri Zikir- the Reminder 25:29
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra Zikre the Reminder 36:11
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikri şan, şeref full (of) reminder. 38:1
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikru Zikr the Message 38:8
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra uyarmaktan the Reminder, 43:5
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶekeru erkek the male 53:21
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶekera erkeği the male 53:45
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikru Zikir the Reminder 54:25
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikra Zikr(Kur'an)'ı the Message, 68:51
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶekera erkeği (the) male 75:39
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكر ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶekera erkeği the male 92:3
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRالذكرانELZ̃KRENƶ-ƶukrāneerkeklerethe males1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكران ELZ̃KREN ƶ-ƶukrāne erkeklere the males 26:165
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRالذكرىELZ̃KRƶ-ƶikrāanlamanınthe remembrance?6x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā hatırladıktan the reminder 6:68
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā öğüt almak the reminder, 44:13
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā hatırlatmak the reminder 51:55
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā öğüt the reminder? 80:4
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā hatırlatmak the reminder. 87:9
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكرى ELZ̃KR ƶ-ƶikrā anlamanın the remembrance? 89:23
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRالذكورELZ̃KWRƶ-ƶukūraerkekler[the] males.1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR الذكور ELZ̃KWR ƶ-ƶukūra erkekler [the] males. 42:49
ذ ل ل|Z̃LLالذلELZ̃Lƶ-ƶulliacze düşüp de(of) humility3x
ذ ل ل|Z̃LL الذل ELZ̃L ƶ-ƶulli küçülme (of) humility 17:24
ذ ل ل|Z̃LL الذل ELZ̃L ƶ-ƶulli acze düşüp de weakness. 17:111
ذ ل ل|Z̃LL الذل ELZ̃L ƶ-ƶulli aşağılıktan disgrace, 42:45
ذ ل ل|Z̃LLالذلةELZ̃LTƶ-ƶilletualçaklıkthe humiliation2x
ذ ل ل|Z̃LL الذلة ELZ̃LT ƶ-ƶilletu alçaklık the humiliation 2:61
ذ ل ل|Z̃LL الذلة ELZ̃LT ƶ-ƶilletu alçaklık (damgası) the humiliation 3:112
ذ ن ب|Z̃NBالذنبELZ̃NBƶ-ƶenbigünahı(of) the sin,1x
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB الذنب ELZ̃NB ƶ-ƶenbi günahı (of) the sin, 40:3
ذ ن ب|Z̃NBالذنوبELZ̃NWBƶ-ƶunūbegünahlarıthe sins2x
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB الذنوب ELZ̃NWB ƶ-ƶunūbe günahları the sins 3:135
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB الذنوب ELZ̃NWB ƶ-ƶunūbe günahları the sins 39:53
ذ ه ب|Z̃HBالذهبELZ̃HBƶ-ƶehebialtınthe gold2x
ذ ه ب|Z̃HB الذهب ELZ̃HB ƶ-ƶehebi altından [the] gold 3:14
ذ ه ب|Z̃HB الذهب ELZ̃HB ƶ-ƶehebe altın the gold 9:34
|الذيELZ̃Ylleƶī"""He Who"268x
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kişinin (of) the one who 2:17
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī "o ki;" the One Who 2:21
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O (Rabb) ki The One Who 2:22
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeydir the one which 2:25
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 2:29
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (that) which 2:59
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olanı that which 2:61
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī what 2:120
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimsenin (of) the one who 2:171
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) that 2:185
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) that which 2:228
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimsenin (erkeğin) the one 2:237
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o kimse who 2:245
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki who 2:255
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseyi the one who 2:258
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 2:258
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse (o adam) the one who 2:258
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one who, 2:275
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one 2:282
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one 2:282
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one who 2:283
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 3:6
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 3:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyleri (of) that which 3:50
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one who 3:160
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One Who 4:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki (through) Whom 4:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyin that which 4:81
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki which 4:136
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki which 4:136
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī öyle ki which 5:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One 5:88
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One 5:96
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who 6:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 6:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyler what 6:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseler (is) the One Who 6:60
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o kimse ki (is) the One 6:72
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki Who 6:73
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki which 6:91
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 6:92
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse (is) the One Who 6:97
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse (is) the One Who 6:98
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse (is) the One Who 6:99
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 6:114
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki which 6:128
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 6:141
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimselere the one who 6:154
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 6:165
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One Who 7:43
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeylerden that which 7:53
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who 7:54
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 7:57
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī whom 7:157
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 7:157
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One 7:158
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki o the one who 7:158
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (that) which 7:162
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (of the) one whom 7:175
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 7:189
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One Who 7:196
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 8:62
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 9:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 9:110
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 9:111
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who 10:3
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 10:5
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 10:22
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of that) which 10:37
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) that which 10:46
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki (is) the One Who 10:67
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseden the One, 10:90
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 10:104
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 11:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 11:51
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse the one who 12:21
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the one, 12:32
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī about which 12:41
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the one who 12:45
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimsenin (of that) which 12:111
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī odur ki (is) the One Who 13:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 13:3
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 13:12
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyleri what 13:30
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) what 13:40
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One 14:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) the One Who 14:32
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 14:39
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse (to) whom 15:6
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 16:10
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 16:14
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī that 16:39
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyi that which 16:64
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şahsın (of) the one 16:103
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O (Allah) ki (is) the One Who 17:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī öyle ki which 17:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī """He Who" 17:51
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī whom 17:62
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) the One Who 17:66
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī that which 17:73
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who, 17:99
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 17:111
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who 18:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī that which 19:34
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseleri he who 19:77
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki (is) the One Who 20:50
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The One Who 20:53
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimsedir the one who 20:71
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī that which 20:97
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One, 20:98
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 21:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kişi the one who 21:36
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One Who 21:56
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 21:103
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 22:25
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 22:66
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī Who 23:28
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 23:78
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 23:79
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 23:80
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 24:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 24:55
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī Who 25:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī öyle ki The One Who - 25:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 25:6
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O ki Who 25:10
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the one whom 25:41
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 25:47
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 25:48
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 25:53
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 25:54
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī öyle ki o the One Who 25:58
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 25:59
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O ki Who 25:61
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 25:62
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī who 26:27
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī who 26:49
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī The One Who 26:78
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseden the One Who 26:132
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 26:184
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī ki O The One Who 26:218
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who 27:15
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 27:25
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī bulunan one who, 27:40
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) that which 27:72
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeylerin (of) that 27:76
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī Who 27:88
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O the One Who 27:91
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olan kimse the one who 28:15
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olana the one who 28:15
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī The one who 28:18
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki He Who 28:85
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) what 29:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 30:27
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 30:40
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) that which 30:41
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 30:48
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 30:54
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 32:4
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O'dur ki The One Who 32:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the one who 32:11
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 32:20
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimse ki (is) it that 33:17
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī bulunan he who, 33:32
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (Allah) ki (is) the One Who 33:43
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī öyle ki the One to Whom belongs 34:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (that) what 34:6
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 35:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 35:34
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O (Rab) ki The One Who 35:35
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (that) which 35:37
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 35:39
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 36:22
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O (Allah) ki (to) the One Who 36:36
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī Who 36:79
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 36:80
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (He) Who 36:81
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O ki (to) the One who 36:83
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 37:21
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) what 39:35
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) what 39:35
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī "o ki;" Who 39:74
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 40:13
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (that) which 40:28
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (adam) (he) who 40:30
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (adam) the one who 40:38
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) the One Who 40:61
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) the One Who 40:64
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 40:67
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 40:68
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeylerin (of) what 40:77
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) the One Who 40:79
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī o ki the One Who 41:15
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 41:21
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 41:23
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (of) what 41:27
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī One who, 41:34
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 41:37
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 41:39
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 42:17
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is of) which 42:23
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 42:25
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 42:28
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One 42:53
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 43:10
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 43:13
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 43:27
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeyi that which 43:42
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki one who - 43:52
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şeylerden (of) that which 43:63
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 43:83
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 43:84
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who - 43:85
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O ki (is) the One Who 45:12
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 46:16
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 46:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 48:4
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 48:24
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 48:28
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki Who 50:26
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şey (is) what 51:14
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 51:60
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 52:45
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseyi the one who 53:33
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki who 53:37
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 56:68
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 57:4
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 57:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olan kimse the one who 57:11
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who, 58:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 59:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who, 59:22
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki the One Who, 59:23
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (in) Whom, 60:11
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī ki (is) the One Who 61:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 62:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 62:8
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 64:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 64:8
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī O'dur ki (is) He Who 65:12
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī bulunan He 67:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 67:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī ki O The One Who 67:3
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 67:15
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olan the one, 67:20
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī olan the one, 67:21
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 67:23
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the One Who 67:24
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) that which 67:27
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 70:42
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī which 70:44
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī ki (About) which 78:3
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki Who 82:7
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şey (is) what 83:17
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who, 85:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 87:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The one who 87:12
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The one who 92:16
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The one who 92:18
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī (o yük) ki Which 94:3
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī the One Who 96:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī O ki The One Who 96:4
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī şu the one who 96:9
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The one who 104:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī -kimseler/olanlar The One Who 106:4
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī kimseyi the one who 107:1
| الذي ELZ̃Y lleƶī (is) the one who 107:2
| الذي ELZ̃Y Elleƶī o ki The one who 114:5
|الذينELZ̃YNelleƶīne(are) ones who810x
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (of) those 1:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Kimseler / olanlar Those who 2:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki those who 2:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 2:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones who 2:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (to) those who 2:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne edenler those who 2:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 2:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 2:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 2:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 2:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 2:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 2:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 2:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those, 2:121
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseye those whom 2:143
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:144
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 2:145
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (To) those whom 2:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 2:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler who 2:153
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who, 2:156
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:159
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (kimseler) those 2:160
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:161
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (kimseler) those who 2:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:166
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 2:166
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:171
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:172
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:174
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) they who 2:175
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (are) the ones who 2:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne - kimseler who 2:178
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 2:181
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 2:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 2:184
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:190
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimeler who 2:208
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 2:212
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 2:213
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 2:213
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:214
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:218
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 2:243
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:249
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (milletleri) those who 2:253
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:254
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:257
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:261
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 2:262
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:264
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 2:265
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:267
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (için) those who 2:273
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki Those who 2:274
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki Those who 2:275
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 2:277
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:278
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 2:282
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 2:286
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 3:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (onlar ki) Those who 3:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones who - 3:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerim (to) those who 3:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (var ya) those who 3:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 3:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 3:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those whose 3:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whose 3:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar who 3:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 3:127
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:130
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:134
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:140
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:141
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:142
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:149
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:149
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:151
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who - 3:154
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:155
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:156
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 3:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere Those who 3:168
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 3:169
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne O(mü'mi)nler ki Those who 3:172
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:178
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 3:180
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:181
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:183
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 3:186
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 3:186
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine (from) those who 3:187
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (that) those who 3:188
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 3:191
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 3:196
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 3:198
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 3:200
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who, 4:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 4:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 4:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne bunlar Those who 4:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyleleri var ki those who 4:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şu those who 4:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 4:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 4:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones 4:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (are) the ones who - 4:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those whom 4:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:75
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 4:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:83
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 4:84
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 4:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom - 4:97
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 4:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 4:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:131
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:135
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:136
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler those who 4:137
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 4:139
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 4:141
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 4:144
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne okimseler ki those who 4:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 4:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların those who 4:160
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:167
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 4:168
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:173
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 4:175
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 5:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 5:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine (of) those who 5:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 5:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler who 5:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 5:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 5:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (for) those who 5:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki (are) the ones 5:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle ki those who 5:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those - 5:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler and those who 5:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 5:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 5:78
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 5:80
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 5:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:87
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:93
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:95
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:103
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 5:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendisine those who 5:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 5:110
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ama kimseler Those who 6:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine Those (to) whom 6:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 6:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 6:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki [those] who 6:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 6:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 6:68
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones who 6:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 6:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones whom 6:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) ones whom 6:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those whom 6:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those whom 6:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 6:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:120
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 6:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 6:125
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:140
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şunlara ki those who 6:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:148
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 6:148
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o ki those who 6:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 6:150
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 6:159
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara those (to) whom 7:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (will be) the ones who 7:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler the ones whom 7:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 7:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:64
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 7:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki - those 7:75
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:88
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (of) those who 7:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 7:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 7:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 7:137
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:146
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 7:152
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 7:157
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:162
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:165
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 7:176
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 7:177
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 7:180
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 7:194
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 7:201
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 7:206
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimselerdir ki (are) those who 8:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler Those who 8:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 8:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 8:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 8:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 8:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 8:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 8:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 8:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 8:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who - 8:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 8:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 8:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 8:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those (with) whom 9:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 9:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those (with) whom 9:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those (with) whom 9:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 9:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 9:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 9:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara those who 9:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 9:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 9:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki (are) those who 9:61
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those 9:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 9:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 9:79
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 9:90
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 9:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who, 9:92
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 9:93
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those] who 9:117
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 9:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:119
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 9:123
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 9:123
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 9:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those, 9:125
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (to) those who 10:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 10:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those 10:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 10:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 10:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 10:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 10:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 10:89
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 10:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 10:95
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those [whom], 10:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 10:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 10:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeylere those whom 10:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who - 11:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 11:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 11:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 11:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olandan those who 11:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:37
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:67
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 11:94
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:106
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 11:113
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 11:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 12:109
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 13:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 13:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 13:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 13:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 13:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin of those who 13:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 13:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar Those who 14:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 14:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 14:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 14:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 14:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 14:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 14:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 14:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 15:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 15:91
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 15:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those whom 16:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those (for) whom 16:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 16:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those whom - 16:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere Those whom 16:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (de) those who 16:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those who 16:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 16:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 16:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:85
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 16:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler And those who 16:88
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 16:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 16:99
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 16:100
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 16:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 16:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones - 16:108
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:116
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlara da those who 16:118
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 16:124
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 16:128
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 17:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 17:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 17:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 17:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler whom 17:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 17:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 18:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 18:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyleri those who 18:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 18:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those 18:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o those who 18:102
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onların Those - 18:104
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones who 18:105
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 18:107
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (were) the ones whom 19:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 19:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 19:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 19:76
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (için) those who 19:96
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 21:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 21:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin who 21:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 21:97
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 21:101
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 22:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 22:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 22:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 22:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those 22:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 22:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler Those who 22:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who, 22:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine those who 22:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri (of) those who 22:54
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 22:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 22:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere (for) those who 22:72
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 22:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 22:77
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 23:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Who 23:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden (of) those who 23:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 23:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 23:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 23:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 23:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir they [who] 23:103
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 24:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 24:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne edenler those who 24:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 24:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki who 24:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 24:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 24:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri to those who 24:55
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 24:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 24:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those whom 24:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 24:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those who] 24:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 24:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 24:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 25:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar Those who 25:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 25:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kimselerdir ki (are) those who 25:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin Those who 26:152
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 26:227
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 26:227
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler Those who 27:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 27:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kimselerdir ki (are) the ones, 27:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 27:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 27:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 27:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 27:67
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kendilerine Those who, 28:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne whom 28:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those - 28:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (are) those whom 28:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne whom 28:74
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:79
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 28:80
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 28:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 28:84
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 29:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 29:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 29:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 29:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 29:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 29:46
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların (of) those who 29:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 29:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 29:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 30:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 30:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 30:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 30:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 30:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 30:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:58
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 30:59
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 30:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 31:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 31:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 31:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne o kimseler ki those who 32:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 32:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 32:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 32:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 33:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 33:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 33:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 33:38
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 33:39
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler O you who believe! 33:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimselerdir those who 33:57
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 33:62
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 33:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 34:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyleri those whom 34:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 34:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 34:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:43
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 34:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 35:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 35:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler de those who 35:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 35:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler those who 35:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 35:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 35:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 35:44
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 36:47
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 37:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 38:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 38:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 38:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 38:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 38:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 39:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne [those] who 39:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 39:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 39:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) they whom 39:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki those who 39:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 39:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 39:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 39:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 39:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who 39:53
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 39:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 39:61
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 39:65
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:71
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 39:73
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden those who 40:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 40:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 40:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 40:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 40:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 40:48
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 40:49
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:56
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:60
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 40:63
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those whom 40:66
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 40:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 40:70
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 40:82
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 41:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 41:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 41:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerden (to) those who 41:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 41:40
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar those who 41:41
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 41:50
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those 42:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 42:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 42:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who 42:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:35
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:42
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 42:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) those who 42:45
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olan those who 43:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 43:69
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyler those whom 43:86
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 45:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 45:21
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 45:30
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 45:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 46:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne öyle kişilerdir ki (are) the ones 46:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 46:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne şeyler those whom 46:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 46:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin Those who 47:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki those who 47:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerle those who 47:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 47:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 47:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 47:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 47:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 47:16
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those who, 47:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) the ones 47:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 47:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 47:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 47:33
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 47:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 48:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 48:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 48:26
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 48:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 49:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (are) the ones 49:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 49:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 49:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 49:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 51:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlara ki (to) those 51:52
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Onlar ki Who 52:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 53:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 53:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 53:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki onlar Those who 53:32
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 57:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 57:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar ki Those who 57:24
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 57:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 57:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 57:28
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 58:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin those 58:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler O you who believe! 58:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 58:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 58:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 59:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 59:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 59:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 59:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 59:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those 59:15
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 59:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those (to) whom 60:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 60:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 60:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (to) those who 60:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 60:13
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 61:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 61:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 61:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler who 61:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 61:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne (of) those who 62:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 62:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar you (who) 62:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 62:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki (are) those who 63:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler you (who) 63:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanların (of) those who 64:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 64:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 64:14
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 65:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseleri those who 65:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 66:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who 66:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler (you) who believe 66:8
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 67:12
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 67:18
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselerin (of) those who 67:27
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 68:51
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Those who 70:23
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 70:36
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne bulunanlar- those who 73:20
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those 74:31
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 83:2
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne onlar Those who 83:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 83:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimselere those who 83:29
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 83:34
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne Those who 84:22
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 84:25
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 85:10
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 85:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler Those who 85:19
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne who 89:9
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne ki Who 89:11
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler- those who 90:17
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 95:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:1
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne olanlar those who 98:4
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:6
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 98:7
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne kimseler those who 103:3
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler(dir) Those who 107:5
| الذين ELZ̃YN elleƶīne -kimseler(dir) Those who 107:6
ز و د|ZWD̃الزادELZED̃z-zādiazığınprovision1x
ز و د|ZWD̃ الزاد ELZED̃ z-zādi azığın provision 2:197
ز ر ع|ZRAالزارعونELZERAWNz-zāriǔnebitirenlerthe Ones Who grow?1x
ز ر ع|ZRA الزارعون ELZERAWN z-zāriǔne bitirenler the Ones Who grow? 56:64
ز ن ي|ZNYالزانيELZENYEz-zānīzina eden erkekThe fornicator1x
ز ن ي|ZNY الزاني ELZENY Ez-zānī zina eden erkek The fornicator 24:3
ز ن ي|ZNYالزانيةELZENYTEz-zāniyetuzina eden kadınaThe fornicatress1x
ز ن ي|ZNY الزانية ELZENYT Ez-zāniyetu zina eden kadına The fornicatress 24:2
ز ه د|ZHD̃الزاهدينELZEHD̃YNz-zāhidīneisteksizthose keen to give up.1x
ز ه د|ZHD̃ الزاهدين ELZEHD̃YN z-zāhidīne isteksiz those keen to give up. 12:20
ز ب ن|ZBNالزبانيةELZBENYTz-zebāniyetezebanilerithe Angels of Hell.1x
ز ب ن|ZBN الزبانية ELZBENYT z-zebāniyete zebanileri the Angels of Hell. 96:18
ز ب د|ZBD̃الزبدELZBD̃z-zebeduköpükthe foam1x
ز ب د|ZBD̃ الزبد ELZBD̃ z-zebedu köpük the foam 13:17
ز ب ر|ZBRالزبرELZBRz-zuburiKitaplardathe Scriptures?2x
ز ب ر|ZBR الزبر ELZBR z-zuburi Kitaplarda the Scriptures? 54:43
ز ب ر|ZBR الزبر ELZBR z-zuburi Kitaplarda the written records. 54:52
ز ب ر|ZBRالزبورELZBWRz-zebūriZebur'dathe Scripture1x
ز ب ر|ZBR الزبور ELZBWR z-zebūri Zebur'da the Scripture 21:105
ز ج ج|ZCCالزجاجةELZCECTz-zucācetucamthe glass1x
ز ج ج|ZCC الزجاجة ELZCECT z-zucācetu cam the glass 24:35
ز ر ع|ZRAالزراعELZREAz-zurrāǎekincilerinthe sowers1x
ز ر ع|ZRA الزراع ELZREA z-zurrāǎ ekincilerin the sowers 48:29
ز ر ع|ZRAالزرعELZRAz-zer'ǎekinlerthe crops1x
ز ر ع|ZRA الزرع ELZRA z-zer'ǎ ekinler the crops 16:11
ز ق م|ZGMالزقومELZGWMz-zeḳḳūmizakkum(of) Zaqqum2x
ز ق م|ZGM الزقوم ELZGWM z-zeḳḳūmi zakkum (of) Zaqqum? 37:62
ز ق م|ZGM الزقوم ELZGWM z-zeḳḳūmi Zakkum (of) Zaqqum 44:43
ز ك و|ZKWالزكاةELZKETz-zekātearındıranı"(of) zakah;"26x
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 2:43
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı "the zakah.""" 2:83
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı [the] zakah. 2:110
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah, 2:177
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah 2:277
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı "the zakah?""" 4:77
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah 4:162
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı- the zakah 5:12
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte arındıranı zakah 5:55
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 7:156
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekat- the zakah 9:5
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekat- the zakah, 9:11
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı- the zakah 9:18
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı- the zakah, 9:71
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāti zekat "(of) zakah;" 21:73
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 22:41
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 22:78
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāti zekatı- zakah. 24:37
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı- zakah 24:56
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 27:3
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 31:4
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı zakah 33:33
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekat the zakah, 41:7
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah, 58:13
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah 73:20
ز ك و|ZKW الزكاة ELZKET z-zekāte zekatı the zakah 98:5
ز ن ي|ZNYالزناELZNEz-zināzinayaadultery.1x
ز ن ي|ZNY الزنا ELZNE z-zinā zinaya adultery. 17:32
ز و ج|ZWCالزوجينELZWCYNz-zevceyniiki çiftithe pairs,2x
ز و ج|ZWC الزوجين ELZWCYN z-zevceyni iki çifti the pairs, 53:45
ز و ج|ZWC الزوجين ELZWCYN z-zevceyni iki çifti two kinds, 75:39
ز و ر|ZWRالزورELZWRz-zūriyalan(to) the falsehood,2x
ز و ر|ZWR الزور ELZWR z-zūri yalan false. 22:30
ز و ر|ZWR الزور ELZWR z-zūra yalan ve boş söze (to) the falsehood, 25:72
ز ي ن|ZYNالزينةELZYNTz-zīnetisüs (bayram)(of) the festival,1x
ز ي ن|ZYN الزينة ELZYNT z-zīneti süs (bayram) (of) the festival, 20:59
|اللذينELLZ̃YNl-leƶeynithose who1x
| اللذين ELLZ̃YN l-leƶeyni those who 41:29
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRبالذكرBELZ̃KRbiƶ-ƶikriZikr'i (Kur'an'ı)in the Reminder1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR بالذكر BELZ̃KR biƶ-ƶikri Zikr'i (Kur'an'ı) in the Reminder 41:41
|بالذيBELZ̃Ybilleƶī'for that which11x
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' olanla for that which 2:61
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' olana in what 3:72
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' in that which 7:76
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' kişiye in that which 7:87
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' that which 17:86
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' in One Who 18:37
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' olanı the one who 28:19
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' in that (which) 29:46
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' şeye in (that) which 34:31
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' in the One Who 41:9
| بالذي BELZ̃Y billeƶī' to that which 43:43
|بالذينBELZ̃YNbielleƶīneabout those who6x
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne kimselere about those who 3:170
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne kimseleri those who 6:10
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne kimlerin [of] those who 19:70
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne kimseleri those who 21:41
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne those who 22:72
| بالذين BELZ̃YN bielleƶīne kinselerle with those 39:36
ز ل ز ل|ZLZLزلزالاZLZELEzilzālenbir sarsıntı ile(with a) shake1x
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL زلزالا ZLZELE zilzālen bir sarsıntı ile (with a) shake 33:11
ز ل ز ل|ZLZLزلزالهاZLZELHEzilzālehāyaman sarsıntı ile(with) its earthquake,1x
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL زلزالها ZLZELHE zilzālehā yaman sarsıntı ile (with) its earthquake, 99:1
ز ل ز ل|ZLZLزلزلةZLZLTzelzeletedepremi(the) convulsion1x
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL زلزلة ZLZLT zelzelete depremi (the) convulsion 22:1
ز ل ز ل|ZLZLزلزلتZLZLTzulziletisarsıldığıis shaken1x
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL زلزلت ZLZLT zulzileti sarsıldığı is shaken 99:1
|فالذينFELZ̃YNfelleƶīneAnd those10x
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne kimseler So those who 3:195
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne artık onlar So those who 7:157
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne ama But those who 16:22
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne kimselere But those who 22:19
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne ve So those who 22:50
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne kimseler So those who 22:56
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne kimseler So those 29:47
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne then those who 41:38
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne oysa (asıl) But those who 52:42
| فالذين FELZ̃YN felleƶīne kimselere And those 57:7
ز ج ر|ZCRفالزاجراتFELZECRETfezzācirātive sürenlereAnd those who drive1x
ز ج ر|ZCR فالزاجرات FELZECRET fezzācirāti ve sürenlere And those who drive 37:2
|فلذلكFLZ̃LKfeliƶālikebundan dolayı senSo to that1x
| فلذلك FLZ̃LK feliƶālike bundan dolayı sen So to that 42:15
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRفللذكرFLLZ̃KRfeliƶƶekerierkeğethen the male will have1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR فللذكر FLLZ̃KR feliƶƶekeri erkeğe then the male will have 4:176
|كالذيKELZ̃Ykālleƶīgibilike one who5x
| كالذي KELZ̃Y kālleƶī şu kimse gibi ki like the one who 2:259
| كالذي KELZ̃Y kālleƶī gibi like the one who 2:264
| كالذي KELZ̃Y kālleƶī gibi mi? Like the one 6:71
| كالذي KELZ̃Y kālleƶī gibi like the one who 9:69
| كالذي KELZ̃Y kālleƶī gibi like one who 33:19
|كالذينKELZ̃YNkālleƶīnegibiLike those9x
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne gibi like those who 3:105
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne kimseler (gibi) like those who 3:156
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne gibi like those who 8:21
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne gibi like those who 8:47
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne gibi Like those 9:69
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne kimseler gibi like those who 33:69
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne kimseler gibi like those who 45:21
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne kimseler gibi like those who 57:16
| كالذين KELZ̃YN kālleƶīne kimseler gibi like those who 59:19
ذ و ق|Z̃WGلذائقوLZ̃EÙGWleƶāiḳūtadacaksınız(will) surely taste1x
ذ و ق|Z̃WG لذائقو LZ̃EÙGW leƶāiḳū tadacaksınız (will) surely taste 37:38
ذ و ق|Z̃WGلذائقونLZ̃EÙGWNleƶāiḳūnetadacağız(will) certainly taste.1x
ذ و ق|Z̃WG لذائقون LZ̃EÙGWN leƶāiḳūne tadacağız (will) certainly taste. 37:31
ل ذ ذ |LZ̃Z̃لذةLZ̃Tleƶƶetinlezzet verendelicious2x
ل ذ ذ |LZ̃Z̃ لذة LZ̃T leƶƶetin lezzetli delicious 37:46
ل ذ ذ |LZ̃Z̃ لذة LZ̃T leƶƶetin lezzet veren delicious 47:15
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRلذكرLZ̃KRleƶikrunbir Zikir'dir(is) surely, a Reminder2x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكر LZ̃KR leƶikrun bir Zikir'dir (is) surely, a Reminder 43:44
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكر LZ̃KR liƶikri zikrine at (the) remembrance (of) Allah 57:16
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRلذكرىLZ̃KRleƶikrābir ibretsurely, (is) a reminder2x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكرى LZ̃KR leƶikrā bir ibret surely, (is) a reminder 39:21
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكرى LZ̃KR leƶikrā bir öğüt surely, is a reminder 50:37
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRلذكريLZ̃KRYliƶikrīhatırlamak/anmak içinfor My remembrance.1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكري LZ̃KRY liƶikrī hatırlamak/anmak için for My remembrance. 20:14
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRلذكورناLZ̃KWRNEliƶukūrināerkeklerimize aittirfor our males1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR لذكورنا LZ̃KWRNE liƶukūrinā erkeklerimize aittir for our males 6:139
ذ ن ب|Z̃NBلذنبكLZ̃NBKliƶenbikigünahınafor your sin3x
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB لذنبك LZ̃NBK liƶenbiki günahının for your sin. 12:29
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB لذنبك LZ̃NBK liƶenbike günahına for your sin 40:55
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB لذنبك LZ̃NBK liƶenbike kendi günahın için for your sin 47:19
ذ ن ب|Z̃NBلذنوبهمLZ̃NWBHMliƶunūbihimgünahlarınınfor their sins -1x
ذ ن ب|Z̃NB لذنوبهم LZ̃NWBHM liƶunūbihim günahlarının for their sins - 3:135
ذ ه ب|Z̃HBلذهبLZ̃HBleƶehebeelbette götürürdüHe would certainly have taken away2x
ذ ه ب|Z̃HB لذهب LZ̃HB leƶehebe elbette götürürdü He would certainly have taken away 2:20
ذ ه ب|Z̃HB لذهب LZ̃HB leƶehebe götürürdü surely (would have) taken away 23:91
|لذوLZ̃Wleƶūsahibi(is the) owner8x
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibidir (is) surely Possessor 2:243
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibidir (is) surely Full (of) Bounty 10:60
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibi idi (was) a possessor 12:68
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibidir (is) full 13:6
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibidir (is) full of Bounty 27:73
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū vardır (is the) owner 28:79
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibidir (is) Full (of) Bounty 40:61
| لذو LZ̃W leƶū sahibi (is) Possessor 41:43
|لذيLZ̃Yliƶīsahibi içinfor those1x
| لذي LZ̃Y liƶī sahibi için for those 89:5
ل ز م|LZMلزاماLZEMElizāmen(azab) kaçınılmaz"the inevitable (punishment)."""2x
ل ز م|LZM لزاما LZEME lizāmen (azap) gerekli an obligation 20:129
ل ز م|LZM لزاما LZEME lizāmen (azab) kaçınılmaz "the inevitable (punishment).""" 25:77
ز ل ف|ZLFلزلفىLZLFlezulfābir yakınlığısurely is a near access2x
ز ل ف|ZLF لزلفى LZLF lezulfā bir yakınlığı surely is a near access 38:25
ز ل ف|ZLF لزلفى LZLF lezulfā bir yakınlık surely is a near access 38:40
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRللذاكرينLLZ̃EKRYNliƶƶākirīneibret alanlarafor those who remember.1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذاكرين LLZ̃EKRYN liƶƶākirīne ibret alanlara for those who remember. 11:114
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRللذكرLLZ̃KRliƶƶekerierkeğefor remembrance,5x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذكر LLZ̃KR liƶƶekeri erkeğe for the male 4:11
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذكر LLZ̃KR liƶƶikri öğüt almak için for remembrance, 54:17
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذكر LLZ̃KR liƶƶikri öğüt almak için for remembrance, 54:22
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذكر LLZ̃KR liƶƶikri öğüt almak için for remembrance, 54:32
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR للذكر LLZ̃KR liƶƶikri öğüt almak için for remembrance, 54:40
|للذيLLZ̃Ylelleƶī(is) the one which4x
| للذي LLZ̃Y lelleƶī -kimselere (is) the one which 3:96
| للذي LLZ̃Y lilleƶī to the One Who 6:79
| للذي LLZ̃Y lilleƶī kişiye to the one whom 12:42
| للذي LLZ̃Y lilleƶī kimseye to the one, 33:37
|للذينLLZ̃YNlilleƶīne(are) for those who80x
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne o kimselerin ki to those who 2:79
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere for those who 2:212
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için For those who 2:226
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 3:12
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne For those who 3:15
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kendilerine to those who 3:20
| للذين LLZ̃YN lelleƶīne kimselerdir (are) those who 3:68
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne onlar için vardır for those who 3:172
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne şu kimselerin (is) for those who 4:17
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselerin for those who 4:18
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 4:51
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere for those who 5:44
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 5:82
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 5:82
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 6:22
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those who 6:32
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselerin of those who 7:27
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselerindir (are) for those who 7:32
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler to those who 7:75
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseleri [for] those who 7:100
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 7:154
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere for those who 7:156
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne for those who 7:169
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 8:38
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için to those who 9:61
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere vardır For those who 10:26
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 10:28
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 10:52
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those whom 11:31
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 11:121
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those who 12:57
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne for those who 12:109
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için vardır For those who 13:18
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 13:32
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 13:33
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 14:21
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 16:30
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için vardır For those who 16:30
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne içindir For those who 16:60
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 16:84
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne (yanındadır) to those who 16:110
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için to those who 16:119
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselerin to those who 19:37
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için to those who 19:73
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kendileriyle to those who 22:39
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne olanlara for those 22:53
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 28:83
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 29:12
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 30:38
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 34:31
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those 34:32
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 34:33
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those 34:42
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 36:47
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselerin to those 38:27
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere vardır For those who 39:10
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne o kimseler için ki those who 39:47
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those who 40:7
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseleri those who 40:7
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne to those who 40:47
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 41:44
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 42:36
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne to those who 43:65
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 45:14
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseleri those who 45:14
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için of those who 46:11
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne olanlara to those who 47:16
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimselere to those who 47:26
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 51:37
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne vardır for those who 51:59
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne to those who 51:60
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne vardır for those who 52:47
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne to those who 57:13
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 57:16
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 57:21
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne karşı towards those who 59:10
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those who 60:5
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne kimseler için for those who 66:10
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne hakkında for those who 66:11
| للذين LLZ̃YN lilleƶīne için for those who 74:31
ز ك و|ZKWللزكاةLLZKETlizzekātizekatıof purification works1x
ز ك و|ZKW للزكاة LLZKET lizzekāti zekatı of purification works 23:4
ل ز م|LZMوألزمهمWÊLZMHMve elzemehumve onları bağladıand made them adhere1x
ل ز م|LZM وألزمهم WÊLZMHM ve elzemehum ve onları bağladı and made them adhere 48:26
ذ ر و|Z̃RWوالذارياتWELZ̃ERYETveƶƶāriyātikaldıran(rüzgar)lara andolsunBy those scattering,1x
ذ ر و|Z̃RW والذاريات WELZ̃ERYET veƶƶāriyāti kaldıran(rüzgar)lara andolsun By those scattering, 51:1
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRوالذاكراتWELZ̃EKRETveƶƶākirātive zikreden kadınlarand the women who remember1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR والذاكرات WELZ̃EKRET veƶƶākirāti ve zikreden kadınlar and the women who remember 33:35
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRوالذاكرينWELZ̃EKRYNveƶƶākirīnezikreden erkeklerand the men who remember1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR والذاكرين WELZ̃EKRYN veƶƶākirīne zikreden erkekler and the men who remember 33:35
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRوالذكرWELZ̃KRveƶƶikrive Zikir(Kitap)dandırand the Reminder -1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR والذكر WELZ̃KR veƶƶikri ve Zikir(Kitap)dandır and the Reminder - 3:58
|والذيWELZ̃YvelleƶīAnd (that) which15x
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī olandan ise but which 7:58
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī And that which 13:1
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve kimseye and the One Who 20:72
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī kimseye and the one who 24:11
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve And the One Who 26:79
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī O'dur And the One Who 26:81
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve O'dur And the One Who - 26:82
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī And (that) which 35:31
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve kimseler And the one who 39:33
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve and that which 42:13
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve o ki And the One Who 43:11
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve O ki And the One Who 43:12
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve o kimse But the one who 46:17
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve O ki And the One Who 87:3
| والذي WELZ̃Y velleƶī ve O ki And the One Who 87:4
|والذينWELZ̃YNvelleƶīneAnd for those who164x
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Kimseler / olanlar And those who 2:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 2:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne "ve o ki;" and those 2:21
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those 2:39
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne and those who 2:62
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 2:82
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne (kimseler) And those who 2:165
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle And those who 2:212
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:214
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:218
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 2:234
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 2:240
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:249
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 2:257
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 3:11
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerdir and those who 3:68
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those 3:135
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere And those whom 4:33
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne bunlar And those who 4:38
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 4:57
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those 4:76
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 4:122
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 4:152
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 5:10
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler and those who 5:55
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 5:56
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 5:69
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri and those who 5:82
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 5:86
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 6:39
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 6:49
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 6:92
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those (to) whom 6:114
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 6:150
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler But those who 7:36
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 7:42
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne o kimseleri and those who 7:64
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanları and those 7:72
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 7:88
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 7:147
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar ki And those who 7:153
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 7:156
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler/olanlar And those who 7:170
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri But those who 7:182
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise And those whom 7:197
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 8:36
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who - 8:49
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 8:52
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 8:54
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki and those who 8:72
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 8:72
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 8:73
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar ki And those who 8:74
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki and those who 8:74
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 8:75
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 9:34
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere And those who 9:61
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 9:79
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 9:88
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 9:100
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 9:107
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler için and those who 9:113
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kiimselere But those who 10:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanlar and those - 10:7
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere gelince And those who 10:27
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 10:103
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:66
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:94
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise And those whom 13:14
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler ise And for those who 13:18
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler And those who 13:21
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 13:22
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 13:25
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those (to) whom 13:36
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 14:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those whom 16:20
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 16:41
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 16:100
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle and those who 16:128
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 22:17
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 22:17
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne -a gelince And those who 22:51
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 22:57
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 22:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Those who 23:3
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Those who 23:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:5
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:8
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those 23:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those 23:59
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 23:60
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 24:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 24:6
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle And those who 24:33
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 24:39
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanlar and those who 24:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 25:64
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 25:65
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who, 25:67
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 25:68
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar And those who 25:72
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who, 25:73
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 25:74
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 29:7
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 29:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 29:23
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 29:52
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 29:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 29:69
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlar and those 33:12
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 33:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those who 33:60
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise But those who 34:5
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 34:38
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise and those 35:7
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne (gelince) But those who 35:10
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those whom 35:13
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 35:36
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 39:3
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 39:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 39:17
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 39:51
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 39:63
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise while those (whom) 40:20
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those 40:31
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 40:51
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 40:58
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne gelince And those who 41:44
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 42:6
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 42:16
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise and those who 42:18
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne fakat And those who 42:22
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 42:37
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 42:38
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve o kimseler And those who, 42:39
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those 44:37
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 45:11
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 46:3
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 47:2
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 47:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere ise But those who 47:8
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise but those who 47:12
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere gelince And those who 47:17
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlar and those who 48:29
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 52:21
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 57:19
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 57:19
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 58:3
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kendilerine and those who 58:11
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 59:9
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 59:10
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlarda and those 60:4
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 64:10
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanları and those who 66:8
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:24
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:26
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:27
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:29
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:32
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:33
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler And those who, 70:34
| والذين WELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 90:19
ز ن ي|ZNYوالزانيWELZENYve zzānīve zina eden erkeğeand the fornicator,1x
ز ن ي|ZNY والزاني WELZENY ve zzānī ve zina eden erkeğe and the fornicator, 24:2
ز ن ي|ZNYوالزانيةWELZENYTve zzāniyetuve zina eden kadınand the fornicatress -1x
ز ن ي|ZNY والزانية WELZENYT ve zzāniyetu ve zina eden kadın and the fornicatress - 24:3
ز ب ر|ZBRوالزبرWELZBRve zzuburihikmetli sahifelerand the Books.2x
ز ب ر|ZBR والزبر WELZBR ve zzuburi hikmetli sahifeler and the Scriptures 3:184
ز ب ر|ZBR والزبر WELZBR ve zzuburi ve Kitapları and the Books. 16:44
ز ر ع|ZRAوالزرعWELZRAve zzer'ǎve ekin(ler)iand the crops,1x
ز ر ع|ZRA والزرع WELZRA ve zzer'ǎ ve ekin(ler)i and the crops, 6:141
ز ك و|ZKWوالزكاةWELZKETve zzekātive zekat/arınma ileand zakah2x
ز ك و|ZKW والزكاة WELZKET ve zzekāti ve zekat/arınma ile and zakah, 19:31
ز ك و|ZKW والزكاة WELZKET ve zzekāti zekat ile- and zakah 19:55
ز ي ت|ZYTوالزيتونWELZYTWNve zzeytūneve zeytinand the olive,4x
ز ي ت|ZYT والزيتون WELZYTWN ve zzeytūne ve zeytin and the olives 6:99
ز ي ت|ZYT والزيتون WELZYTWN ve zzeytūne ve zeytinleri and the olives 6:141
ز ي ت|ZYT والزيتون WELZYTWN ve zzeytūne ve zeytin and the olives 16:11
ز ي ت|ZYT والزيتون WELZYTWN ve zzeytūni ve zeytine and the olive, 95:1
|واللذانWELLZ̃ENvelleƶāniiki kişiAnd the two who1x
| واللذان WELLZ̃EN velleƶāni iki kişi And the two who 4:16
|وبالذيWBELZ̃Yve bil-leƶīand with what1x
| وبالذي WBELZ̃Y ve bil-leƶī and with what 3:183
ز ب ر|ZBRوبالزبرWBELZBRve bil-zzuburive sahifelerand with Scriptures1x
ز ب ر|ZBR وبالزبر WBELZBR ve bil-zzuburi ve sahifeler and with Scriptures 35:25
ل ذ ذ |LZ̃Z̃وتلذWTLZ̃ve teleƶƶuve hoşlandığıand delights1x
ل ذ ذ |LZ̃Z̃ وتلذ WTLZ̃ ve teleƶƶu ve hoşlandığı and delights 43:71
ز ل ز ل|ZLZLوزلزلواWZLZLWEve zulzilūve sarsılmışlardıand shaken2x
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL وزلزلوا WZLZLWE ve zulzilū ve sarsılmışlardı ki and they were shaken 2:214
ز ل ز ل|ZLZL وزلزلوا WZLZLWE ve zulzilū ve sarsılmışlardı and shaken 33:11
ذ ك ر|Z̃KRولذكرWLZ̃KRveleƶikruelbette anmakand surely (the) remembrance1x
ذ ك ر|Z̃KR ولذكر WLZ̃KR veleƶikru elbette anmak and surely (the) remembrance 29:45
|ولذلكWLZ̃LKveliƶālikezaten bunun içinand for that1x
| ولذلك WLZ̃LK veliƶālike zaten bunun için and for that 11:119
|ولذيWLZ̃Yveliƶīand for the2x
| ولذي WLZ̃Y veliƶī and for the 8:41
| ولذي WLZ̃Y veliƶī ve olanlara and for those 59:7
ز و ج|ZWCولزوجكWLZWCKvelizevcikeve eşineand to your wife.1x
ز و ج|ZWC ولزوجك WLZWCK velizevcike ve eşine and to your wife. 20:117
|وللذينWLLZ̃YNvelilleƶīneiçin vardırAnd for those who1x
| وللذين WLLZ̃YN velilleƶīne için vardır And for those who 67:6

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