"temiz" ifadesi tarandı:
# İçinde "temiz" ifadesinin geçtiği tüm kelimeleri tara (1:x).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
خ ل ص|ḢLṦالمخلصينELMḢLṦYNl-muḣleSīnetemizthe chosen.1x
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne ihlasa erdirilmiş the sincere. 12:24
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne ihlâslı "the ones who are sincere.""" 15:40
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne halis the chosen ones. 37:40
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne halis the chosen ones. 37:74
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne halis the chosen ones. 37:128
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne temiz the chosen. 37:160
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne halis "the chosen.""" 37:169
خ ل ص|ḢLṦ المخلصين ELMḢLṦYN l-muḣleSīne ihlaslı "the chosen ones.""" 38:83
ط ي ب|ŦYBطيباŦYBETayyibentemiz(and) good.3x
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben temiz (and) good. 2:168
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben temiz clean 4:43
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben temiz clean, 5:6
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben (ve) temiz olarak good. 5:88
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben (ve) temiz olarak (and) good, 8:69
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبا ŦYBE Tayyiben ve hoş (olarak) and good. 16:114
ط ي ب|ŦYBطيبةŦYBTTayyibetentemizpure.1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten temiz pure. 3:38
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten güzel blessed 9:72
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibetin tatlı good, 10:22
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten güzel good 14:24
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibetin güzel good, 14:24
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten hoş good, 16:97
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten güzel (and) good. 24:61
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibetun hoş good 34:15
ط ي ب|ŦYB طيبة ŦYBT Tayyibeten güzel pleasant 61:12
ط ي ب|ŦYBوالطيبWELŦYBve TTayyibutemizand the good1x
ط ي ب|ŦYB والطيب WELŦYB ve TTayyibu temiz and the good 5:100

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