Herhangi bir yerinde "ELCEHL" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ه ل|CHLالجاهلELCEHLl-cāhilubilmeyenlerthe ignorant one,1x
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهل ELCEHL l-cāhilu bilmeyenler the ignorant one, 2:273
ج ه ل|CHLالجاهلونELCEHLWNl-cāhilūnecahiller"ignorant ones?"""2x
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلون ELCEHLWN l-cāhilūne cahiller the ignorant ones, 25:63
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلون ELCEHLWN l-cāhilūne cahiller "ignorant ones?""" 39:64
ج ه ل|CHLالجاهليةELCEHLYTl-cāhiliyyeticahiliyenin(of the time of) ignorance4x
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلية ELCEHLYT l-cāhiliyyeti cahiliyye (of) [the] ignorance. 3:154
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلية ELCEHLYT l-cāhiliyyeti cahiliyye (of the time of) ignorance 5:50
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلية ELCEHLYT l-cāhiliyyeti cahiliyenin (of the times of) ignorance 33:33
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلية ELCEHLYT l-cāhiliyyeti cahiliyye (çağının) (of the time of) ignorance. 48:26
ج ه ل|CHLالجاهلينELCEHLYNl-cāhilīnebilgisizler-"the ignorant."""6x
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne cahiller- "the ignorant.""" 2:67
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne cahiller- the ignorant. 6:35
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne cahiller- the ignorant. 7:199
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne bilgisizler- "the ignorant.""" 11:46
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne cahillerden "the ignorant.""" 12:33
ج ه ل|CHL الجاهلين ELCEHLYN l-cāhilīne cahilleri "the ignorant.""" 28:55

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