Herhangi bir yerinde "eceǎle" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ع ل|CALأجعلÊCALeceǎleyaptı mı?Has he made1x
ج ع ل|CAL أجعل ÊCAL ec'ǎl yapayım I will make 18:95
ج ع ل|CAL أجعل ÊCAL eceǎle yaptı mı? Has he made 38:5
ج ع ل|CALفجعلFCALfeceǎleve var ettiThen made1x
ج ع ل|CAL فجعل FCAL fe ceǎle ve verdi and He made 48:27
ج ع ل|CAL فجعل FCAL feceǎle ve var etti Then made 75:39
ج ع ل|CALفجعلهمFCALHMfeceǎlehumnihayet onları ettiSo he made them2x
ج ع ل|CAL فجعلهم FCALHM feceǎlehum nihayet onları etti So he made them 21:58
ج ع ل|CAL فجعلهم FCALHM feceǎlehum nihayet onları yaptı Then He made them 105:5
ج ع ل|CALلجعلLCALleceǎleyapardısurely He (could) have made1x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعل LCAL leceǎle yapardı surely He (could) have made 11:118
ج ع ل|CALلجعلكمLCALKMleceǎlekumhepinizi yapardıHe (would have) made you2x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعلكم LCALKM leceǎlekum hepinizi yapardı He (would have) made you 5:48
ج ع ل|CAL لجعلكم LCALKM leceǎlekum hepinizi yapardı surely He (could) have made you 16:93
ج ع ل|CALلجعلهLCALHleceǎlehuonu yapardısurely He (could) have made it1x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعله LCALH leceǎlehu onu yapardı surely He (could) have made it 25:45
ج ع ل|CALلجعلهمLCALHMleceǎlehumonları yapardıHe could have made them1x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعلهم LCALHM leceǎlehum onları yapardı He could have made them 42:8

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