Herhangi bir yerinde "CND̃" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ن د|CND̃الجنودELCNWD̃l-cunūdiorduların(of) the hosts,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ الجنود ELCNWD̃ l-cunūdi orduların (of) the hosts, 85:17
ج ن د|CND̃بالجنودBELCNWD̃bil-cunūdiordularlawith the forces1x
ج ن د|CND̃ بالجنود BELCNWD̃ bil-cunūdi ordularla with the forces 2:249
ج ن د|CND̃بجنودBCNWD̃bicunūdinaskerlerlewith forces2x
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنود BCNWD̃ bicunūdin askerlerle with forces 9:40
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنود BCNWD̃ bicunūdin ordularla with hosts 27:37
ج ن د|CND̃بجنودهBCNWD̃Hbicunūdihiaskerleriylewith his forces,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنوده BCNWD̃H bicunūdihi askerleriyle with his forces, 20:78
ج ن د|CND̃جندCND̃cundinaskeriniz(are) an army5x
ج ن د|CND̃ جند CND̃ cundin ordu host 36:28
ج ن د|CND̃ جند CND̃ cundun askerlerdir (are) hosts 36:75
ج ن د|CND̃ جند CND̃ cundun bir ordudur Soldiers - 38:11
ج ن د|CND̃ جند CND̃ cundun bir ordudur (are) an army 44:24
ج ن د|CND̃ جند CND̃ cundun askeriniz (is) an army 67:20
ج ن د|CND̃جنداCND̃Ecundenadamları"(in) forces."""1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جندا CND̃E cunden adamları "(in) forces.""" 19:75
ج ن د|CND̃جندناCND̃NEcundenābizim ordumuzOur host1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جندنا CND̃NE cundenā bizim ordumuz Our host 37:173
ج ن د|CND̃جنودCNWD̃cunūdunaskerleri(are the) hosts4x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNWD̃ cunūdun ordular (the) hosts 33:9
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNWD̃ cunūdu askerleri (are the) hosts 48:4
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNWD̃ cunūdu askerleri (are the) hosts 48:7
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNWD̃ cunūde ordularını (the) hosts 74:31
ج ن د|CND̃جنوداCNWD̃Ecunūdenaskerlerforces,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنودا CNWD̃E cunūden askerler forces, 9:26
ج ن د|CND̃جنودهCNWD̃Hcunūduhuordularıhis hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنوده CNWD̃H cunūduhu orduları his hosts 27:17
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودWCNWD̃ve cunūduve askerleriAnd (the) hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنود WCNWD̃ ve cunūdu ve askerleri And (the) hosts 26:95
ج ن د|CND̃وجنوداWCNWD̃Eve cunūdenve ordularand hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودا WCNWD̃E ve cunūden ve ordular and hosts 33:9
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودهWCNWD̃Hve cunūdihive askerleri"and his troops."""7x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūdihi ve askerlerine karşı "and his troops.""" 2:249
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūdihi ve askerleriyle and his troops 2:250
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūduhu ve askerleri de and his hosts 10:90
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūduhu ve orduları and his hosts 27:18
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūduhu ve askerleri and his hosts 28:39
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūdehu ve askerlerini and his hosts, 28:40
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده WCNWD̃H ve cunūdehu ve askerlerini and his hosts 51:40
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودهماWCNWD̃HMEve cunūdehumāve askerleriand their hosts2x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودهما WCNWD̃HME ve cunūdehumā ve askerlerine and their hosts 28:6
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودهما WCNWD̃HME ve cunūdehumā ve askerleri and their hosts 28:8

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