Herhangi bir yerinde "CER" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج و ر|CWRاستجاركESTCERKstecārakeaman dilerseseek your protection1x
ج و ر|CWR استجارك ESTCERK stecārake aman dilerse seek your protection 9:6
ت ج ر|TCRالتجارةELTCERTt-ticāratiticaretten(any) transaction.1x
ت ج ر|TCR التجارة ELTCERT t-ticārati ticaretten (any) transaction. 62:11
ج ر ي|CRYالجاريةELCERYTl-cāriyetiakıp gidende (gemi)the sailing (ship).1x
ج ر ي|CRY الجارية ELCERYT l-cāriyeti akıp gidende (gemi) the sailing (ship). 69:11
ح ج ر|ḪCRالحجارةELḪCERTl-Hicāratiöyle taşthe stones1x
ح ج ر|ḪCR الحجارة ELḪCERT l-Hicārati öyle taş the stones 2:74
ف ج ر|FCRالفجارELFCERl-fuccārakötüler(of) the wicked2x
ف ج ر|FCR الفجار ELFCER l-fuccāra kötüler the wicked 82:14
ف ج ر|FCR الفجار ELFCER l-fuccāri sapanların (of) the wicked 83:7
ح ج ر|ḪCRبحجارةBḪCERTbiHicāratinsertleşmiş taşlarwith stones1x
ح ج ر|ḪCR بحجارة BḪCERT biHicāratin sertleşmiş taşlar with stones 105:4
ت ج ر|TCRتجارةTCERTticāratenbir ticaret(for) a commerce -6x
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāraten ticaret a transaction 2:282
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāraten ticaret business 4:29
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāratun ticaret trade 24:37
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāraten bir ticaret (for) a commerce - 35:29
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāratin bir ticaret a transaction 61:10
ت ج ر|TCR تجارة TCERT ticāraten bir ticaret a transaction 62:11
ت ج ر|TCRتجارتهمTCERTHMticāratuhumticaretleritheir commerce1x
ت ج ر|TCR تجارتهم TCERTHM ticāratuhum ticaretleri their commerce 2:16
ج و ر|CWRجارCERcārunyanınızdayıma neighbor1x
ج و ر|CWR جار CER cārun yanınızdayım a neighbor 8:48
ج ر ي|CRYجاريةCERYTcāriyetunakanflowing,1x
ج ر ي|CRY جارية CERYT cāriyetun akan flowing, 88:12
ح ج ر|ḪCRحجارةḪCERTHicāratentaş(of) stones5x
ح ج ر|ḪCR حجارة ḪCERT Hicāraten taş (of) stones 8:32
ح ج ر|ḪCR حجارة ḪCERT Hicāraten taşlar stones 11:82
ح ج ر|ḪCR حجارة ḪCERT Hicāraten taşlar stones 15:74
ح ج ر|ḪCR حجارة ḪCERT Hicāraten taş stones 17:50
ح ج ر|ḪCR حجارة ḪCERT Hicāraten taş(lar) stones 51:33
ج ر ي|CRYفالجارياتFELCERYETfelcāriyātiakıp gidenlere andolsunAnd those sailing1x
ج ر ي|CRY فالجاريات FELCERYET felcāriyāti akıp gidenlere andolsun And those sailing 51:3
ح ج ر|ḪCRكالحجارةKELḪCERTkālHicāratitaş gibi(became) like [the] stones1x
ح ج ر|ḪCR كالحجارة KELḪCERT kālHicārati taş gibi (became) like [the] stones 2:74
ف ج ر|FCRكالفجارKELFCERkālfuccāriyoldan çıkanlar gibi (mi?)like the wicked?1x
ف ج ر|FCR كالفجار KELFCER kālfuccāri yoldan çıkanlar gibi (mi?) like the wicked? 38:28
ج و ر|CWRوالجارWELCERvelcārive komşuyaand the neighbor2x
ج و ر|CWR والجار WELCER velcāri ve komşuya and the neighbor 4:36
ج و ر|CWR والجار WELCER velcāri ve komşuya and the neighbor 4:36
ح ج ر|ḪCRوالحجارةWELḪCERTvelHicāratuve taşlardırand stones,2x
ح ج ر|ḪCR والحجارة WELḪCERT velHicāratu ve taşlardır and [the] stones, 2:24
ح ج ر|ḪCR والحجارة WELḪCERT velHicāratu ve taşlardır and stones, 66:6
ت ج ر|TCRوتجارةWTCERTve ticāratunve ticaret(iniz)and the commerce,1x
ت ج ر|TCR وتجارة WTCERT ve ticāratun ve ticaret(iniz) and the commerce, 9:24
ج و ر|CWRيجارYCERyucārukorunup kollanmayan(can) be protected1x
ج و ر|CWR يجار YCER yucāru korunup kollanmayan (can) be protected 23:88

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