Herhangi bir yerinde "YAZ̃B" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "Y-" öntakısı olmadan "AZ̃B" ifadesini tara (1:1).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BفيعذبهFYAZ̃BHfe yuǎƶƶibuhuO da ona azab edecektirand He will punish him2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبه FYAZ̃BH fe yuǎƶƶibuhu O da ona azab edecektir and He will punish him 18:87
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبه FYAZ̃BH feyuǎƶƶibuhu ona azab eder Then will punish him 88:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BفيعذبهمFYAZ̃BHMfeyuǎƶƶibuhumazabedecektirthen He will punish them1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B فيعذبهم FYAZ̃BHM feyuǎƶƶibuhum azabedecektir then He will punish them 4:173
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BليعذبLYAZ̃Bliyuǎƶƶibeazab etsin diyeSo that Allah may punish1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذب LYAZ̃B liyuǎƶƶibe azab etsin diye So that Allah may punish 33:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BليعذبهمLYAZ̃BHMliyuǎƶƶibehumonlara azab edecekthat He punishes them2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذبهم LYAZ̃BHM liyuǎƶƶibehum onlara azab edecek that He punishes them 8:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ليعذبهم LYAZ̃BHM liyuǎƶƶibehum onlara azabetmeyi to punish them 9:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BويعذبWYAZ̃Bve yuǎƶƶibuazabederAnd He (may) punish6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu azabeder and He will punish 2:284
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azabeder and punishes 3:129
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azabeder and punishes 5:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibe ve azabetsin and punish 33:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibe ve azabetsin diye And He (may) punish 48:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ويعذب WYAZ̃B ve yuǎƶƶibu ve azab eder and punishes 48:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبYAZ̃Byuǎƶƶibuazab edemezHe punishes3x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azabeder He punishes 5:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azabeder He punishes 29:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذب YAZ̃B yuǎƶƶibu azab edemez will punish, 89:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبكمYAZ̃BKMyuǎƶƶibukumsize azabeder(does He) punish you4x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibukum size azabediyor (does He) punish you 5:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you 9:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you. 17:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبكم YAZ̃BKM yuǎƶƶibkum size azabeder He will punish you 48:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبناYAZ̃BNEyuǎƶƶibunābize azab etmeliAllah punish us1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبنا YAZ̃BNE yuǎƶƶibunā bize azab etmeli Allah punish us 58:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبهYAZ̃BHyuǎƶƶibhuonu azablandırırHe will punish him1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبه YAZ̃BH yuǎƶƶibhu onu azablandırır He will punish him 48:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BيعذبهمYAZ̃BHMyuǎƶƶibehumazabetmesin?(should) punish them6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehum onlara azab eder punishes them 3:128
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehumu azabetmesin? (should) punish them 8:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibhumu onlara azabetsin Allah will punish them 9:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibhumu onlara azabedecektir Allah will punish them 9:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibehum onlara azabetmeyi punish them 9:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B يعذبهم YAZ̃BHM yuǎƶƶibuhum onlara azabeder He will punish them 9:106

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