Herhangi bir yerinde "ṦBR" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ص ب ر|ṦBRأتصبرونÊTṦBRWNeteSbirūnesabrediyor musunuz?will you have patience?1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR أتصبرون ÊTṦBRWN eteSbirūne sabrediyor musunuz? will you have patience? 25:20
ص ب ر|ṦBRأصبرهمÊṦBRHMeSberahumcesaretlidirlertheir endurance1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR أصبرهم ÊṦBRHM eSberahum cesaretlidirler their endurance 2:175
ص ب ر|ṦBRاصبرEṦBRİSbirsabretBe patient1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR اصبر EṦBR İSbir sabret Be patient 38:17
ص ب ر|ṦBRاصبرواEṦBRWESbirūsabredinBe steadfast1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR اصبروا EṦBRWE Sbirū sabredin Be steadfast 3:200
ص ب ر|ṦBRبالصبرBELṦBRbiS-Sabrisabırthrough patience4x
ص ب ر|ṦBR بالصبر BELṦBR biS-Sabri sabırla through patience 2:45
ص ب ر|ṦBR بالصبر BELṦBR biS-Sabri sabırla through patience 2:153
ص ب ر|ṦBR بالصبر BELṦBR biS-Sabri sabır to patience, 90:17
ص ب ر|ṦBR بالصبر BELṦBR biS-Sabri sabrı to [the] patience. 103:3
ص ب ر|ṦBRتصبرTṦBRteSbirudayanabilirsinyou have patience1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبر TṦBR teSbiru dayanabilirsin you have patience 18:68
ص ب ر|ṦBRتصبرواTṦBRWEteSbirūsabrederbe patient,5x
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبروا TṦBRWE teSbirū sabreder you are patient 3:120
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبروا TṦBRWE teSbirū sabrederseniz you are patient 3:125
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبروا TṦBRWE teSbirū sabreder you are patient 3:186
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبروا TṦBRWE teSbirū sabretmeniz you be patient 4:25
ص ب ر|ṦBR تصبروا TṦBRWE teSbirū sabretmeyin be patient, 52:16
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبرṦBRSaberasabrederse(is) patient2x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبر ṦBR Sabera sabrederse (is) patient 42:43
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبر ṦBR Sabera sabrettikleri had patience 46:35
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبراṦBRESabranbir sabırla"(to have) patience."""8x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabır patience 2:250
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabır patience 7:126
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabırla (to have) patience. 18:67
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabırla "(to have) patience?""" 18:72
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabırla "(to have) patience?""" 18:75
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabırla (to have) patience. 18:78
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran sabırla "(to have) patience.""" 18:82
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرا ṦBRE Sabran bir sabırla a patience 70:5
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبرتمṦBRTMSabertumsabdedersenizyou are patient,2x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرتم ṦBRTM Sabertum sabretmenize you patiently endured. 13:24
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرتم ṦBRTM Sabertum sabdederseniz you are patient, 16:126
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبركṦBRKSabrukesenin sabrın(is) your patience1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرك ṦBRK Sabruke senin sabrın (is) your patience 16:127
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبرناṦBRNESabernābiz kararlılıkwe are patient,2x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرنا ṦBRNE Sabernā sabretsek de we are patient, 14:21
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبرنا ṦBRNE Sabernā biz kararlılık we had been steadfast 25:42
ص ب ر|ṦBRصبرواṦBRWESaberūbekleselerdi(are) patient13x
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabretmeleri they were patient. 7:137
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabreden(ler) (are) patient 11:11
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabrederler (are) patient, 13:22
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabrettiler (are) patient 16:42
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabreden(lerin) (are) patient 16:96
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabretmelerinin they were patient, 23:111
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabretmelerine they were patient 25:75
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabretmelerinden they are patient 28:54
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabrettiler (are) patient 29:59
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabrettikleri they were patient 32:24
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabreden(lerden) (are) patient 41:35
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū bekleselerdi had been patient 49:5
ص ب ر|ṦBR صبروا ṦBRWE Saberū sabrettiklerinden they were patient, 76:12
ص ب ر|ṦBRفاصبرFEṦBRfeSbirartık sabret"So be patient;"11x
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir sabret "So be patient;" 11:49
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir o halde sabret So be patient 20:130
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir sabret So be patient. 30:60
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir o halde sabret "So be patient;" 40:55
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir artık sabret "So be patient;" 40:77
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir o halde sabret So be patient, 46:35
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir o halde sabret So be patient 50:39
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir sen sabret So be patient 68:48
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir şimdi sen sabret So be patient, 70:5
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir sabret be patient. 74:7
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبر FEṦBR feSbir o halde sabret So be patient 76:24
ص ب ر|ṦBRفاصبرواFEṦBRWEfeSbirūsabredinthen be patient2x
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبروا FEṦBRWE feSbirū sabredin then be patient 7:87
ص ب ر|ṦBR فاصبروا FEṦBRWE feSbirū ve sabredin then be patient 52:16
ص ب ر|ṦBRفصبرFṦBRfeSabrunartık (tek çarem) sabretmektirso patience2x
ص ب ر|ṦBR فصبر FṦBR feSabrun artık (tek çarem) sabretmektir so patience 12:18
ص ب ر|ṦBR فصبر FṦBR feSabrun artık sabretmek gerek so patience 12:83
ص ب ر|ṦBRفصبرواFṦBRWEfeSaberūsabrettilerbut they were patient1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR فصبروا FṦBRWE feSaberū sabrettiler but they were patient 6:34
ص ب ر|ṦBRنصبرNṦBRneSbirabiz dayanamayızwe endure1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR نصبر NṦBR neSbira biz dayanamayız we endure 2:61
ص ب ر|ṦBRواصبرWEṦBRveSbiro halde sabretand be patient7x
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir ve sabret and be patient 10:109
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir ve sabret And be patient, 11:115
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir ve sabret And be patient 16:127
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir tut (sabret) And be patient, 18:28
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir ve sabret and be patient 31:17
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir o halde sabret So be patient, 52:48
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبر WEṦBR veSbir sabret And be patient 73:10
ص ب ر|ṦBRواصبرواWEṦBRWEveSbirūve bağlı kalınand be patient3x
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبروا WEṦBRWE veSbirū ve sabredin and be patient. 7:128
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبروا WEṦBRWE veSbirū ve sabredin and be patient. 8:46
ص ب ر|ṦBR واصبروا WEṦBRWE veSbirū ve bağlı kalın and be patient 38:6
ص ب ر|ṦBRوصبرواWṦBRWEve Saberūve sabredenlerinand were patient.1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR وصبروا WṦBRWE ve Saberū ve sabredenlerin and were patient. 16:110
ص ب ر|ṦBRولنصبرنWLNṦBRNveleneSbiranneve katlanırızAnd surely we will bear with patience1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR ولنصبرن WLNṦBRN veleneSbiranne ve katlanırız And surely we will bear with patience 14:12
ص ب ر|ṦBRويصبرWYṦBRve yeSbirve sabrederseand (is) patient,1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR ويصبر WYṦBR ve yeSbir ve sabrederse and (is) patient, 12:90
ص ب ر|ṦBRيصبرواYṦBRWEyeSbirūdayanabilirlersethey endure,1x
ص ب ر|ṦBR يصبروا YṦBRWE yeSbirū dayanabilirlerse they endure, 41:24

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